Theories and History of European Economic Governance: Quo Vadis Europa?
Lectures: Theories and History of European Economic Governance
54 hours on the relationship among facts, theories, and policies in the history of European integration, from its intellectual foundations until today (and future perspectives).
- The forerunners of European integration and the international context
- Bretton Woods and the Marshall Plan
- The first collective goods: The European Coal and Steel Community
- The failure of the European Defence Community and the endeavour towards the Common Market
- The Mundell-Fleming context in European integration
- The end of Bretton Woods, the first oil shock, the new classical macroeconomics and the push towards monetary integration in the Seventies
- Monetarists vs economists: the French-German intellectual divide
- The inconsistent quartet and the steps towards the euro
- “It can’t happen, it’s a bad idea, it won’t last”: US economists and the euro
- Credibility and governance: the dilemma of the newly born ECB
- Preparing the crisis: 11 Sept. 2001 and the oil shock
- From the US financial crisis to the Euro sovereign debt crisis
- The roadmap of the four/five presidents and the major challenges ahead
- Reforming European economic governance: debates and proposals
Seminar: European Economic Governance
Dispensa: Link identifier #identifier__804-1JMC-GEE dispensa
- Heijman W.J.M. 2006. The Need for a European Fiscal Policy, Intereconomics, March-April: 100-103. Link identifier #identifier__118929-2Heijman 2006 The Need for a European Fiscal Policy
- Delpla J., von Weizsaecker J. 2010. The Blue Bond Proposal, Bruegel Policy Brief, 3. Link identifier #identifier__30359-3Delpla – Weizsaecker 2010 The Blue Bond Proposal
- De Grauwe P. 2011. The Governance of a Fragile eurozone, CEPS Working Document, 346. Link identifier #identifier__73280-4De Grauwe 2011 The Governance of a Fragile Eurozone
- Feldstein M.S. 2011. The Euro and European Economic Conditions, NBER Working Papers, 17617. Link identifier #identifier__156442-5Feldstein 2011 Euro and European Economic Conditions
- Begg I., 2011. Prevent or Cure? Dilemmas Facing Economic Governance, in Begg et al. 2011. European Economic Governance. Impulses for Crises Prevention and New Institutions, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung,13-38. Link identifier #identifier__176362-6GP_European_Economic_Governance
- Belke A. 2011. Euro Area Crisis Management: Consequences for Convergence and Institutional Follow-Up, in Begg et al. 2011. European Economic Governance. Impulses for Crises Prevention and New Institutions, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung,61-92. Link identifier #identifier__91538-7GP_European_Economic_Governance
- Van Rumpuy H., Barroso J.M., Juncker J.C., Draghi M. 2012. Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union. Link identifier #identifier__95122-8Van Rumpuy – Barroso – Juncker – Draghi 2012 Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union
- Pickford S., Steinberg F., Otero-Iglesias M. 2014. How to Fix the Euro: Strengthening Economic Governance in Europe, Chatam House, Elcano, AREL. Link identifier #identifier__6681-9Pickford-Steinberg-Iglesias 2014 How to Fix the Euro Strengthening Economic Governance in Europe
- Martin P., Philippon T. 2014. What caused the great recession in the Eurozone? What could have avoided it?
Vox, November 11. Link identifier #identifier__79064-10Martin – Philippon 2014 What caused the Eurozone’s Crisis? - Juncker J.C, Tusk D., Dijsselbloem J, Draghi M., Schulz M. 2015. Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union. Link identifier #identifier__155652-11Juncker et al 2015 Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union
- Pisani-Ferri J. 2015. Rebalancing the governance of the euro-area, France Stratégie, 2. Link identifier #identifier__119767-12Pisani-Ferri 2015 Rebalancing the governance of the euro area
- Masini F. 2016. Towards a Federal Structure of Economic Governance in the Eurozone, STALS, 1. Link identifier #identifier__169438-13Masini 2016 Towards a Federal Structure of Economic Governance in the Eurozone
- European Commission 2017. Reflection Paper on the Deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union, May 31. Link identifier #identifier__86603-14European Commission 2017.05 Deepening Economic and Monetary Union
- Schäuble W. 2017. Non-paper for paving the way towards a Stability Union. Link identifier #identifier__151304-15Schauble 2017 Non Paper
- European Commission 2017. Further Steps Towards Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union: a Roadmap, Dec. 06. Link identifier #identifier__126080-16European Commission 2017.12 Completing Economic and Monetary Union
- European Commission 2017. Proposal for a Council Regulation on the establishment of the European Monetary Fund, Dec. 06. Link identifier #identifier__56860-17European Commission 2017.12 Proposal European Monetary Fund
- European Commission 2017. Proposal for a Council Regulation on the establishment of the European Monetary Fund. Statute, Dec. 06. Link identifier #identifier__155902-18European Commission 2017.12 European Monetary Fund Statute
- Bénassy-Quéré A., Brunnermeier M., Enderlein H., Farhi E., Fratzscher M., Fuest C., Gourinchas P.O., Martin P., Pisani-Ferry J., Rey H., Schnabel I., Véron N., Weder di Mauro B., Zettelmeyer J. 2018. Reconciling risk sharing with market discipline: A constructive approach to euro area reform, CEPR Policy Insight, 91. Link identifier #identifier__69037-19CEPR 2018 Reconcyling Risk Sharing wth Market Discipline
- Meseberg Declaration 2018. Renewing Europe’s promises of security and prosperity. Link identifier #identifier__86199-20Meseberg Declaration 2018 Renewing Europe’s promises
- Messori M., Micossi S. 2018. Counterproductive Proposals on Euro Area Reforms by French-German Economists, CEPS Policy Insights, 04(Febr.). Link identifier #identifier__137948-21Messori – MIcossi 2018 Counterproductive Proposals on Euro Area Reform
- Arahuetes Garcia A., Gomez Bengoechea G. 2018. Debt Mutualization, inflation and populism in the Eurozone, ARI, 45, April 5. Link identifier #identifier__168801-22Arahuetes Garcia – Gomez Bengoechea 2018 Debt mutualisation inflation populism Eurozone
- Dosi G., Minenna M., Roventini A., Violi R. 2018. Making the Eurozone work. A risk-sharing reform of the European Stability Mechanism, preliminary draft, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3208267. Link identifier #identifier__61286-23Dosi et al 2018 Making the Eurozone work
- Pisani-Ferry J. 2018. Euro area reform: An anatomy of the debate, CEPR, 95, October. Link identifier #identifier__115754-24Pisani-Ferry 2018 Euro area reform An anatomy of the debate
- Fabbrini F. 2019. A Fiscal Capacity for the Eurozone. Constitutional Perspectives, AFCO European Parliament. Link identifier #identifier__91655-25Fabbrini 2019 Fiscal Capacity Eurozone Constitutional Perspective
- Benassy-Quere A. et al. 2019. Euro area architecture: What reforms are still needed, and why, Vox, May 2. Link identifier #identifier__44992-26Benassy-Quere et al. 2019 Euro area architecture What reforms are still needed and why
- Benassy-Quere A. et al. 2019. Productivity and competitiveness in the euro area: A view from France, Vox, July 24. Link identifier #identifier__59708-27Benassy-Quere et al. 2019 Productivity and competitiveness in the euro area
- Iozzo A., Masini F. 2020. Link identifier #identifier__49402-28A Green Deal for European Cities. Rethinking the Role ofthe European Stability Mechanism, Centro Studi sul Federalismo Policy Paper, 45.
Per la verbalizzazione dei crediti, leggere per cortesia la pagina “comunicazioni”.
Seminar: EU Project Management
The 2019-seminar will take place in Italian on Thursdays 7-14-21-28 March and 4-11 April, from 14.15 to 17.15, Room 3B. The 2020-seminar will take place in Italian on Wednesday 4 March at 11.00, Room 1B; and Thursdays 12-19-26 March and 2-9 April, from 15.30, Room 1E.
- I – La programmazione economica e i fondi europei
- II – Dove sta andando il MFF: quali priorità
- III – Project Life Cycle Management, progettazione di azioni complesse e work-packages
- IV – Le azioni ed i progetti Jean Monnet
- V – I progetti sull’agenda digitale: problemi e networks
- VI – Progettare in prima persona
Attenzione: causa Covid 19 le attività del seminario sono state sospese. Si spera di riuscire a ripristinarle in modalità MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)… Stay tuned!
Aggiornamento al 11.03.2020: è ormai evidente che non sarà possibile svolgere il seminario con modalità in presenza, neanche per una parte. Il che significa dover reingegnerizzare le varie lezioni con materiali che possono essere studiati a distanza. Seguite le indicazioni che seguono, studiando il materiale di ciascuna lezione nell’ora e giorno previsto. Al termine verrà effettuata una prova pratica di valutazione, sulla base delle indicazioni che vi saranno fornite al termine del percorso. A questo proposito, si invitano gli studenti ad accedere alla piattaforma Microsoft Teams per una conversazione di gruppo che sarà effettuata il giorno 9 Aprile alle ore 18.00. Per procedere ad organizzare l’evento, è necessario che ciascuno degli studenti invii la propria mail (non @stud, perché disattivate dall’Ateneo) a fabio.masini@uniroma3.it, con oggetto: “Microsoft Teams 9 aprile”. Grazie per la comprensione e la disponibilità in un momento così complicato per tutti.
Lezione 1, già svolta in presenza il 4.3: Il “mestiere” del Project Manager: Link identifier #identifier__55579-29Scarica il file;
Lezione 2: Il prossimo QFP Link identifier #identifier__108451-30Scarica il file
Lezione 3: Link identifier #identifier__69204-31Materiali sul prossimo QFP
Link identifier #identifier__38393-32Discussione su come continuare lo studio dei materiali qui presentati (con istruzioni per come provedere oltre):
Lezione 4: Il Project Management: Link identifier #identifier__143501-33Scarica il file;
Lezione 5: I Fondi diretti: Link identifier #identifier__53700-34Scarica il file.
Lezione 6: Esempio di Progetto Jean Monnet: Link identifier #identifier__172565-35EUREF_final_networks-projects_X
La verbalizzazione dei crediti non è automatica! Occorre registrarsi su GOMP alla prima data disponibile, che per il 2020 sarà il giorno 05 Giugno alle ore 10.00.
Workshop: Quo Vadis Europa?
The 2019 Workshop “Economic Governance and Social Policies: a European Perspective” is scheduled on June 6, 2019 at the Department of Political Sciences, Room B, with the following programme: Link identifier #identifier__181183-36JMC 2019 International Workshop – Locandina
The monograph with a selection of the papers presented at the workshop can be downloaded here: Link identifier #identifier__87534-37Economic Governance and Social Policies
The 2020 edition of the workshop (here the call for papers: Link identifier #identifier__41559-38JMC 2020 International Workshop – CfP), scheduled for June 4, was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Online Conference, 13.07.2020, The international role of the euro and the reform of the international monetary system: Link identifier #identifier__64660-39Scarica il file…
… continuing the discussion among members of the Triffin International Foundation in Luxembourg, October 6-9, 2020:
La conferenza online su ‘Migrations and economic governance’, online, 9.2.2021
Il progetto è terminato nell’agosto 2021. Il seminario Storia e teorie della governance economica europea è diventato un corso magistrale stabile, così come Progettazione sui fondi europei. Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi al coordinatore accademico, prof. Fabio Masini: fabio.masini@uniroma3.it