UNEVEN REPRODUCTION. Race, Class, Gender, and Birth Outcomes in Global Context

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UNEVEN REPRODUCTION. Race, Class, Gender, and Birth Outcomes in Global Context
Lunedì 12 giugno 2023 alle ore 14.00, presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Aula C2), si terrà un seminario internazional della prof.ssa Dána-Ain Davis (Director, Center for the Study of Women and Society - City University of New York) dal titolo "UNEVEN REPRODUCTION. Race, Class, Gender, and Birth Outcomes in Global Context"

Il seminario è aperto a tutti gli studenti interessati. A cura dell’insegnamento di Antropologia culturale e sociale, prof.ssa Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz.

This talk offers a gloss of the historically constituted factors that have contributed to uneven reproduction, specifically among Black women of the diaspora. Davis deploys the concept of uneven development to reproductivity and in so doing, bring into relief the global contexts in which Black women’s reproductivity and outcomes have been failed compared to white women in the U.S.A.

This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement n° 892684.

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