Sociology and social research laboratory
The Sociology and social research laboratory was founded in Academic Year 1999/2000 upon the initiative of Professor Maria Luisa Maniscalco, within the Department of Political Sciences further to a call for proposals of the University for the setting up of educational laboratories.
At first, the main purpose of the laboratory was to provide students with tools enabling them to develop communication skills and relational abilities that are increasingly required by academic and working world. Afterwards, the deepening, analysis and debate around all the issues related to the knowledge-based society, innovation and the impact of civil conflicts has become one of its main goals.
Director: Francesco Antonelli
Research and Historical Iconographic Documentation Laboratory
The Research and Historical Iconographic Documentation Laboratory focuses on the progressive importance of still and moving images from photography to the Internet in the contemporary world. The last century can be considered a “visual century” due to the increasingly importance of this aspect both in the private and public domain and it is reasonable to believe that it will be a permanent and dynamic factor in our societies in the future.
The Laboratory aims at approaching students and researchers to modern icons: photography, graphic poster, illustrated postcard, documentary and fiction cinema, television that are regarded as sources of history for the knowledge of contemporary society. The laboratory is conceived as a workshop, where you learn with working tools in hand, approaching at first the iconic materials, afterwards the study of reference texts to finally return to the icons.
The usual activity of the Laboratory is to support research, especially in historical and sociological subjects. Several bachelor’s and master’s degree thesis have made considerable use of the Laboratory’s library and its archives.
Director: Alessandro Volterra
Multimedia and Comparative Law Laboratory
The Multimedia and Comparative Law Laboratory carries out a continuous support to research activity, in collaboration with researchers of various Italian and foreign universities. The Laboratory participated both in identifying a topic proposed for PRIN 2008 (national research programmes) and its implementation in collaboration with the universities of Bari, Siena, Rome “La Sapienza” and LUMSA.
In June 2011, it has been realized the University “Roma Tre” on line magazine : Democrazia e sicurezza – Democracy and Security Review, thanks to the collaboration of national and international network of experts and academics. The ‘Legal Archive’ section of the magazine contains the most significant and comprehensive Italian collection of Law, Directives and Circulars in the field of public security. It has been created in collaboration with Scuola Superiore di Polizia. Moreover, the magazine has published various essays and articles, many of which were written by young researchers. In 2013, the centre started a research path related to PRIN 2010/2011, in collaboration with the universities of Trento, Torino, Chieti-Pescara, Calabria, Firenze, Perugia, La Sapienza, Pisa, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Bologna, Tuscia.
Transport Research Lab – TRElab
The Transport Research Lab (Link identifier #identifier__117559-1TRElab) is a cross-disciplinary and international research laboratory of Political Sciences Department which take advantage of the professional skills within the Department, it promotes synergies at University level and collaboration at national and international level. TRElab promotes research, planning and training in the field of mobility. A topic which plays a key role among local, national and supranational policies due to the primary position assumed in reducing poverty, increasing prosperity and achieving sustainable growth. Mobility policies should propose systems that can maximize the positive impact on growth, reducing its negative impact on the environment. This requires a cross-disciplinary approach that takes an in-depth look at economic, financial, technological, regulatory, social, cultural, territorial and environmental aspects.
Directors: Edoardo Marcucci e Valerio Gatta
Documentation and Research Laboratory on Innovation in Political, Economic and Administrative Institutions (D.R.I.P.E.A.)
The Documentation and Research Laboratory on Innovation in Political, Economic and Administrative Institutions (D.R.I.P.E.A.) coordinates an activity involving collection, selection, cataloguing, conservation and analysis of the Italian and international documentation related to political and constitutional reform processes, administrative modernization and innovation in the economic and financial field. The Laboratory has organized conferences, seminars and workshops on specific topics or in relation to specific events of institutional importance; it has also provided organizational support to research groups and training courses.
LEGEA – Economics, Governance and Companies Ethical Codes
The Economics, Governance and Companies Ethical Codes was founded in 2017 with the purpose of developing high-quality study and research activities, spreading management culture in its economic, governance and ethical aspects in public and private companies according to a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach.
Atlantide. Utopia & Dystopia Study Laboratory
The Study Laboratory aims at promoting and enhancing the study of Utopia and Dystopia with broad-based interdisciplinary approach, including the History of Political Thought and History, Philosophy and Political Philosophy, Political Studies and Sociology, Institutions and Law, Gender Studies and Psychoanalysis, Economics and Ecology, Science and Technology, of Literature, Architecture and Art and any other cultural topic that may be of scientific interest and of methodological guide for the study of Utopia and Dystopia. The Laboratory also intends to promote interest in the study of Utopia and Dystopia in an interpretative key of the current society as well as focusing in the trends in it, and to share the results not only with the Universities, with Institutes or Centres of study or research, with Foundations or Scientific-Cultural Institutions, but also with schools and civil society, accepting their questions and requests for evaluating current issues based on past experience and future perspective.