Spring Talks on Leadership

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Spring Talks on Leadership
May 24, 25, 26, 27, 2021 h 17:00

Spring Talks on Leadership

May 24
Prof. Mario De Caro, Professor of Moral Philosophy, Roma Tre University
Persuasion and ethics today: What we can learn from neuroscience and social psychology

May 25
Prof. Francesca Cappelletti, Director of the Galleria Borghese, Rome
Leadership and heritage exploitation: Policies and strategies in an international perspective

May 26
Marco Delogu, Photographer, publisher and curator, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in London (2015-2019)
Leadership and policies for cultural promotion abroad: A national perspective

May 27
Lt. Col. Alfio Gullotta, Head of the Training and Studies Unit of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage
Leadership in protecting heritage: The setting up of an institutional model and its cultural approach

To participate: send an email to Chiara Serio (Link identifier #identifier__84007-1chi.serio1@stud.uniroma3.it), specifying your name and the meetings to which you wish to participate.

Information: Prof. Sabina Addamiano - Link identifier #identifier__193442-2sabina.addamiano@uniroma3.it


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