Math Junior Seminar

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Math Junior Seminar
Mercoledì 22 maggio alle ore 16.00, nell'ambito dei Junior Seminars dei dottorandi di Matematica, Zakaria Brahimi (dottorando, Università degli Studi Roma Tre) terrà il seminario dal titolo "Cubic fourfolds: some rational examples ".

Projective spaces are the most basic algebraic varieties that we know and rational varieties are those that are the closest possible to being projective spaces. The question of rationality of algebraic varieties has led to the development of a rich and beautiful theory and many questions are still open. Historically, the rationality problem for quadric and cubic surfaces was settled classically over one hundred years ago.
In this seminar, we will talk about some rational cubic fourfolds that are known.
We look for them inside Hassett Divisors; These divisors are codimension one varieties in the Moduli space of cubic fourfolds.

Il seminario è organizzato dai dottorandi di Matematica e si svolgerà in presenza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Lungotevere Dante 376, aula M3.
Link identifier #identifier__121974-1Link identifier #identifier__175065-2Link identifier #identifier__42201-3