Seminario "Optimizing the Operation of Renewable Energy Communities "

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Il giorno mercoledì 18 settembre alle 12.00 nella sala riunioni della Sezione di Informatica e Automazione del DICITA dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre il prof. Ulrich Pferschy, dell'Università di Graz, terrà un seminario dal titolo:
Optimizing the Operation of Renewable Energy Communities 

Abstract: Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) allow owners of photovoltaic (PV) systems to share surplus energy in their neighborhood. A main goal of RECs is the optimized use of locally produced energy and thus a load reduction of the higher-level power grid. Main tools for better energy utilization are load shifting, intelligent battery management and inclusion of the thermal sector. Based on forecasts of weather dependent production and consumption profiles, the associated operational decisions can be optimized to improve the overall performance of the community. We developed a planning framework comprising an optimization and a simulation model, which models the actual real-world outcome of the planning decisions. Thus, we can compute realistic performance measures over the course of one year and reach a better understanding of the benefits of forecast-based coordinated operating strategies in a REC.

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