Seminario di Teoria dei Numeri

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Seminario di Teoria dei Numeri
Lunedì 11 novembre 2024 alle ore 14:30 Sebastian Eterovic (University of Leeds) terrà un seminario di Teoria dei Numeri dal titolo "Multiplicative Relations Among Differences of Singular Moduli".

Abstract: A singular modulus is the j-invariant of an elliptic curve with complex multiplication; as such the arithmetic and algebraic properties of these numbers are of great interest. In particular, there are important results concerning the behavior of differences of singular moduli, and also about the multiplicative dependencies that can arise among singular moduli. In joint work with Vahagn Aslanyan and Guy Fowler we show that for every positive integer n there are a finite set S and finitely many algebraic curves T_1,...,T_k with the following property: if (x_1,...,x_n,y) is a tuple of pairwise distinct singular moduli so that the differences (x_1-y),...,(x_n-y) are multiplicatively dependent, then (x_1,..., x_n, y) belongs either to S or to one of the curves T_1,...,T_k.

Il seminario avrà luogo in presenza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Via della Vasca Navale 84 - Aula B

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