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Ph.D. in Euro-American Studies (2013).  National Scientific Abilitation as Associate Professor in the Scientific Sector 14/B2- History of International Relations, and of Extra-European Societies and Institutions (2021-2031).


2021-22 Co-Lecturer in “History of the Americas”, B.A. course in History, Department of History, University of Ghent (45 hours course held in English). 2021-22 Lecturer in “Latin American in the 20th century”, M.A. course in International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, University of Roma Tre (36 hours course held in English). 2021-22 Lecturer, seminar entitled “Commodity chains in world history”, Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mobility Studies, Department of Historical, Geographical Sciences and of the Ancient World-DISSGEA, University of Padua (6 hours seminar, held in English). 2021-22 Lecturer, seminar entitled “Storia globale del lavoro”, M.A. course in Historical Sciences, Department of Historical, Geographical Sciences and of the Ancient World-DISSGEA, University of Padua (6 hours seminar). 2016-21 Lecturer in “Latin American in the 20th century”, M.A. course in International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, University of Roma Tre (64 hours course held in English). 2015-21 Mentoring and supervision of students for Latin American History course, Faculty of Political Science, University of Roma Tre. 2015-21 Teaching Assistant in Latin American History course, Faculty of Political Science, University of Roma Tre. 2014-15 Mentoring PhD student of Global History seminar at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. 2013-14 Teaching Assistant in Latin American History course, and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students in History of the Americas at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Roma Tre. 2014 Lecturer, seminar entitled “The Border between Mexico and United States. The History and Problems of the Present Times”, Faculty of Political Science, University of Roma Tre (14 hours seminar). 2011 Teaching Assistant, seminar entitled “The Language of the Body in Latin America Culture and History” Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Roma Tre. 2010 Teaching Assistant, seminar entitled “The Living Frontiers of the Americas”, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Roma Tre. 2009 Teaching Assistant, seminar entitled “History and Institutions of Contemporary Americas”, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Roma Tre.


2022-24 Researcher and P.I. of the project ESSENTIA-The Mobility Regime across Mexico and United States: the case of farmworkers from Tabasco and Oaxaca (1930s-1970s), STARS- Supporting Talents in Research 2021 program, Department of Historical, Geographical Sciences and of the Ancient World-DISSGEA, University of Padua. 2021-22 Visiting professor (10%) at the Department of History, University of Ghent (Belgium). 2021-22 Researcher in the project “Legal History and Mass Migration: Integration, Exclusion, and Criminalization of Migrants in the 19th and 20th Century” (MIUR-PRIN 2017), Department of Law, University of Naples Federico II. 2020-21 Research associate at the Department of History, University of Ghent (Belgium). 2021 (April-June) Visiting fellow at History Department of Ghent University in collaboration with Commodity Frontiers Initiative, Ghent Centre of Global Studies, and the research group Economies, Comparisons, Connections (ECC). Promoter: Eric Vanhaute. 2017-20 Researcher in History of the Americas (SPS/05). Research title: “The border of Mexico with the United States. Migrations and Mexican national identity from 1930s till today”, Department of Political Science, University of Roma Tre. This research is part of the international research project “The return of the nation” that involves Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, and University of Roma Tre. 2018-20 Authorship contract with CISP (Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli) for writing in English the high school textbook entitled A Global History of Humanity. 3voll. (co-author: Eric Vanhaute) within the European Union D.E.A.R. project “GetUpandGoals!Global Education Time”. 2018 (May-June) Visiting fellow at History Department of Ghent University in collaboration with Commodity Frontiers Initiative, Ghent Center of Global Studies, and Research group Economies, Comparisons, Connections (ECC). Promoter: Eric Vanhaute. 2016 (March-May) Visiting Fellow at Europa Institut. European Institute for Global Studies (Basel, Switzerland). Director: Madeleine Herren-Oesch. 2014-15 Postdoctoral Fellow at Weatherhead Initiative on Global History, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. Chairs: Sven Beckert, Charles S. Maier. 2015 Research Consultant and Project Concept Developer for the artistic and historical project “Histories Hidden in Plain Sight” by Maria Thereza Alves, Iain Chambers and Lidia Curti, at “Studio Roma. Transdisciplinary program on the contemporary”, Istituto Svizzero di Roma. Director: Michele Luminati.