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Settore Scientifico DisciplinareHIST-02/A
IndirizzoVia Gabriello Chiabrera 199
  • Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche
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Curriculum: Conflitti e Sicurezza nel Mondo Globale nella Laurea Magistrale in Politiche per la Sicurezza Globale: Ambiente, Energia e Conflitti - A - Z



Una terra di intersezioni.  Storia e istituzioni della Palestina di età moderna, Carocci, Roma, 2015 

Passages of Faith: Conversion in Palestinian Villages (17th Century), Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2014

Contributi in Rivista

“Geographical Mobility and Community-Building in Seventeenth-Century Palestine: Insights from the Records of Bethlehem’s Catholic Parish”, Continuity and Change 35, 2(2020) 

“Catholicism decentralized” (with B. Kümin), Church History, 89, 2 (2020)

“The Sale on Credit as a Form of Assistance to Ottoman Peasants: A Case from 17th-Century Palestine”, Turcica, 50 (2019), 117-146

“’Pour l’embellissement et le service de ces Lieux saints.’ La circulation des objets de dévotion vers les sanctuaires de Terre sainte (XVIIe siècle) ”, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 183 (2018), 227-245

“La fabrication des objets de dévotion en Palestine, de l’époque moderne au début du xixe siècle : le témoignage des maquettes et d’une icône de pèlerin récemment acquis par le MuCEM” (with Émilie Girard),  para.1-3, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 183 (2018), 247-260

“’Né si potevano castigare per la libertà del loco e il dominio che vi è’ : cattolici e protestanti nell’Impero ottomano attraverso i dubia e le facultates”, Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, 129/1 (2017), 201-213

Protestants' Conversion to Catholicism in the Syro-Palestinian Region (17th century)” Zeitschrift für historische Forschung  41/3 (2014), 401-422

'Getting by the Resort of the Pilgrims'The Franciscan Friars of Jerusalem and their Anglican Guests (1600-1612)”, Giornale di Storia, 13(2014), 1-17

“The Payment of the Pool Tax and the Disappearance of the Christians from Palestinian Countryside”, The Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, 56(2013), 631–652

“The Ottoman Administration of Justice in Early Modern Travellers’ Accounts”, in R. Elger, U. Pietruska (eds.), Ottoman culture seen from the margins. Arabophone Missionaries, Greek-orthodox "Aufklärer" and Damaszene lovers of popular novels (17. – 19. Jh.), Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte, 32 (2013), 97-111

 “Khubz as iqṭā' in Four Authors from the Ayyubid and Early Mamluk Period”, The Mamluk Studies Review,  XVI (2012), 103-22

“La corte islamica e gli abitanti cristiani del distretto di Gerusalemme (secolo XVII)” [The Islamic court and the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem (17th century)], Società e Storia, 138 (2012), 791-806

Conversioni nel Vicino Oriente Ottomano e diffusione del cattolicesimo a Betlemme” [Conversions in the Ottoman Middle East and the Spread of Catholicism in Bethlehem], Quaderni Storici, 131 (2009), 549-578

 “Il diritto musulmano e la schiavitù [Mulim Law and Slavery], in G. Fiume (ed.), Schiavitù religione e libertà nel Mediterraneo tra medioevo ed età modernaIncontri mediterranei, 1-2 (2008), 61-82

“La nuova Carta araba dei diritti dell’uomo fra tradizione e innovazione” [The New Arab Charter on Human Rights between Tradition and Innovation], Giurisprudenza Costituzionale, 2 (2005), 1480-1509

“Al-Masrah, una rivista di teatro nell'Egitto di Nasser” [Al-Masrah, a Theatre Review in Nasser’s Egypt], Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 26 (2003), 109-117


Contributi in volume

“Trading in Spiritual and Earthly Goods: Franciscans in Semi-rural Palestine”, in B. Heyberger, C. Windler et al.(eds.), Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia: Patterns of Localization, Routledge 2019, 126-141

“An Unusual Setting: Interactions between Protestants and Catholics in the Ottoman Empire”, in S. J. G. Burton, M. Choptiany, P. Wilczek (eds.), Religious Minorities and Majorities in Early Modern Europe: Confessional Boundaries and Contested Identities, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Refo500 Academic Studies Series, 2019, 189-211

“Missionari cattolici ed Ebrei nella Palestina Ottomana”, in S. Di Nepi (ed.), Storie intrecciate. Rappresentazioni e conoscenza dell’Islam nell’Italia modernaEdizioni di Storia e letteratura, 2015, 111-130

“The Spread of Catholicism in Seventeenth-Century Palestinian Villages (17th century)” in W. de Boer, A. Maldavsky, G. Marcocci, I. Pavan (eds.), Space and Conversion: A Global Approach, Brill, 2015, 81-102

Il rapporto con l’altro nei paesi del Medio Oriente: i migranti“, [The relationship with “the other” in Middle eastern Countries: Migrants], in F. Bilancia, F. Di Sciullo, F. Rimoli (eds.), Paura dell’altro. Identità occidentale e cittadinanza, Carocci, 2008, 233-252