How to apply

This post is also available in Link identifier #identifier__45220-1Italian image 120432

Pre-requisites for admission

Candidates must have an advanced capacity for analysis and a solid general culture of the phenomena related to politics. Therefore, they must have an academic background that provides a good preparation concerning one of the key disciplinary areas of political studies (economics, law, cultural, political science, sociological, historical).

A candidate’s profile must show a strong aptitude for research in one of the Curricula and one of the Doctoral training programs of the Doctorate and a strong inclination to work in an interdisciplinary environment.

Submitting the application

The application for the selection process must be completed electronically and received by the deadline indicated in the Call. The system will guide the candidates until the completion of the procedure.

1) Candidates must fill the CV online form and submit:

  • (mandatory) a copy of their university (or equivalent) degree
  • (mandatory) a list of all the examinations successfully passed
  • (mandatory) a copy of their final M.A. thesis (word or pdf)
  • (mandatory) an abstract of the final M.A. thesis (max. 1.500 words) (word or pdf)
  • (mandatory) a research project, specifying which Curriculum, which PhD Program, and which research area they are applying to (min. 2.500 words)
  • (mandatory) a motivation letter
  • (if available) additional documents (including GRE – Graduate Record Examination – test) that the candidate deems worthy of consideration, including any association to research institutions (pdf)
  • (if available) list of publications (pdf)

When preparing a research project, candidates should consider their planning skills in the selection process. Therefore, candidates are strongly requested to have a clear vision of the issues and identify a relevant research question they want to address in their dissertation. Furthermore, candidates should specify the core elements in their research project as precisely and consistently as possible (in no less than 2.500 words).

This process involves:

  • selecting a research area with which the candidate is already familiar;
  • discussing an appropriate methodology to analyze the selected issues properly;
  • presenting a persuasive evaluation of the feasibility of the research project, considering both its scientific and practical aspects (e.g., which sources may or may not be readily accessible, etc.).

Candidates should indicate as precisely as possible the available sources and reference material they intend to use, adding a specific and selected bibliography showing the candidate’s familiarity with the most important international research trends on their topic.

2) Candidates will have to indicate online: a person who knows them well and who will be able to write a reference letter for them (i.e., their M.A. thesis advisor, teacher, research project supervisor, etc.) specifying their name and their e-mail address. The Referees will be contacted by Roma Tre and invited to submit their references directly to the Doctorate. Candidates will have to check the correctness of the information on the person they name, of their willingness to write a reference letter on their behalf and whether the letter has actually been sent.

3) Candidates will have to specify: a) the Ph.D. Program in which they want to develop their research project and the Research Area they identify as apt for it, choosing among the Link identifier #identifier__95619-2Ph.D. Programs available for consultation.

Roma Tre will select a second referee from of the list of scholars available on our site for each Ph.D. Program. This second Referee will be asked to provide a confidential assessment of their CV and research project. This second Referee will be contacted by Roma Tre and invited to submit his/her evaluation directly to the Doctorate.

Link identifier #identifier__97789-3List of scholars for “European and International Studies” Ph.D. Program
Link identifier #identifier__188173-4List of scholars for “Gender Studies” Ph.D. Program
Link identifier #identifier__8237-5List of scholars for “Government and Institutions” Ph.D. Program

The selection process

The selection process is based on a first phase consisting of the examination of the dossier of each candidate by a Committee.

The second phase will be an interview of the candidates selected in the initial screening. Candidates can carry it out also through remote connection facilities. Candidates requiring this option must write well in advance to Prof. Leopoldo Nuti at Candidates will be informed of the remote address and interview date and time by e-mail. In the interview candidates will be asked to discuss their cultural and research background and their research project, curriculum vitae et studiorum, and M.A. thesis (and publications).

While several courses are taught in English, some are also taught in Italian. Good command of both Italian and English, therefore, is highly recommended. The linguistic skills of the candidates will be assessed during the oral interview.

Features of a research project

When preparing their research proposal, candidates should pay particular attention to providing a clear, precise and comprehensive overview of their project since its evaluation is crucial to assess their suitability for scholarly research. Even though the topic of the dissertation might be substantially altered during the first year of the PhD course, original research projects which can be realistically completed within three years will be assigned a higher priority.

The research project should include:

  • the choice of a research topic strongly grounded on the state of the studies in the field. Candidates are expected to provide an informed analysis of the current state of the art in their area and to point out the innovative aspects and related interests of the research they propose;
  • the description of a suitable methodology;
  • a persuasive evaluation of the feasibility of the research project, considering both its scientific and practical aspects (e.g. which sources should be used, which ones may or may not be accessible, etc.);
  • a specific and selected bibliography showing the candidate’s familiarity with the most important international research trends related to the topic proposed.
  • the connection between the proposed topic and the candidate’s academic background.

The candidates must be sure that their research project shall specify on its frontpage:

  • the Curriculum;
  • The PhD Programme related to the project they intend to apply to;
  • The research area among the four foreseen for each PhD Programme.

Projects below 2,500 words will not be taken into consideration.

Link identifier #identifier__100095-6Link identifier #identifier__6863-7Link identifier #identifier__179190-8
MONIA CZECH 27 July 2022