Research Projects

Research projects on external funds

PRIN 2022

Financing Institution: MUR – PRIN 2022
Duration: 2 years (2023 – 2025)

Funded projects:

  • Principal Investigator:
    • Prof. Adriano Elia – Between Text and Performance: Race and Gender in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures(1970s-today)
    • Prof. Edoardo Marcucci – PULSe: Pre-feasibility analysis for Urban Logistics Solutions based on Eco-friendly vehicles
    • Prof. Leopoldo Nuti – Europe’s Search for “Strategic Autonomy”: from the late Cold War to the New Millennium
  • Local Unit Coordinator:
    • Prof. Francesco Antonelli – Datafication and Citizenship: the case of Public Administrations in Italy
    • Prof. Nicolangelo Becce – Literary California 1844-2022: Spaces of Exception, Spaces of Disaster
    • Prof. Giorgio Caravale – Censorship and communication in modern Age (XVI-XIX Centuries)
    • Prof. Francesca Di Lascio – REPAIR REhabilitating Peripheral Areas through Innovative Regenaration
    • Prof. Luca Germano – Energy transition, interest groups, incumbent companies and alternative coalitions: navigating the Italian energy policy between the post-pandemic recovery plan and the Russian-Ukrainian war
    • Prof. Antonio Iannuzzi – Safe Artificial Intelligence Systems for Public Administrations (SafeAI4PA)
    • Prof. Francesco Lagona – The SMILE project: Statistical Modelling and Inference to Live the Environment
    • Prof. Paolo Naticchioni – Monopsony Power and Inequality
  • Participants:
    • Prof. Alberto Basciani e Prof. Antonio D’Alessandri – Nationalist network in Europe (1919-1933)
    • Prof. Barbara Pisciotta – Le mobili frontiere della separazione dei poteri nel XXI secolo


Financing Institution: MUR – PRIN 2022 PNRR
Duration: 2 years (2023 – 2025)

Funded project:

  • Local Unit Coordinator:
    • Prof. Francesca Di Lascio – From Beaches to Coasts: towards an Integrated Protection of Coasts (BeProCoasts)

MISGLOB – Missioni cattoliche e la circolazione globale di persone e di merci in età moderna (1500-1800)

Financing Institution: MUR – Progetto FARE
Principal Investigator: prof. Felicita Tramontana
Duration: 05/12/2022 – 04/12/2027
Recent research has been increasingly concerned with the organization and economy of early modern Catholic missions and with the relation between these and early globalization. The proposed project (MISGLOB) contributes to this line of inquiry, focusing primarily on mendicant missions in the Middle East and West Central Africa.  Through the analysis of a wide range of previously unexplored sources, the aim of the project is to advance current understanding of the relationship between the global circulation of goods and people and the Catholic missionary endeavour. In doing so MISGLOB also addresses more general issues concerning the influence of early globalization on the establishment and survival of Catholic missions worldwide.

Libri in movimento. Circolazione e costruzione di saperi tra Italia ed Europa in età moderna

Financing Institution: MUR – PRIN 2017
Principal Investigator: prof. Giorgio Caravale
Duration: March 2020 – March 2024
Website: Link identifier
The main aim of this project is to reposition the history of the book at the heart of the historiographical debate about the construction of a European (and worldwide) cultural space consisting of exchange, influence and reciprocal contamination. Book historians have focused above all on the means used to transport books, the trade routes followed, the partnerships that enabled these exchanges between cities and markets all over Europe, the interaction between sellers and buyers and therefore the channels of movement of texts. Using this body of knowledge as a support, this project aims to use the history of the book as a gateway to access the history of culture by reflecting on different local, national and international tastes, the diverse perspectives on a text in distant social and denominational contexts and the different ways in which texts were received by government institutions, different communities of readers and even individual readers. The members of this project will concentrate on the production, circulation and translation of printed books and the social and cultural contexts of their repackaging through textual adaptations in different linguistic and denominational contexts from the original ones.

Italy and the “Shock of the Global” during the Seventies: perceptions, interpretations, reactions

Financing Institution: MUR – PRIN 2017
Local Unit Coordinator: prof. Giovanni Mario Ceci
Duration: March 2020 – March 2024
The research project aims to analyze and evaluate the impact in Italy of the nascent processes of globalization in the 1970s, a period now defined in international historiography as the “Shock of the Global”.   The project starts from a list of dates selected to symbolize key transnational innovations and events (organized in specific clusters) of such a global dimension: the objective is to collect materials related to the perception and interpretation of these events in Italy, in the press, culture, politics and media of various kinds.   On the basis of the symbolic dates selected to measure the impact of the “Shock of the Global” in Italy, four distinct clusters of events have been individuated. Each unit will address one of the clusters. The Roma Tre unit will deal with the cluster of dates related to major global political and cultural turning points, focusing on their local impact.

Science, technology and international relations: case studies in Italian foreign policy

Financing Institution: MUR – PRIN 2017
Principal Investigator: prof. Leopoldo Nuti
Duration: March 2020 – March 2024
From the mid-1960s to the early 1990s, technological and scientific innovation played an increasingly critical role in shaping the cultural and economic modernization of Italy, as well as its capacity to remain a credible actor in the international scene. Yet, the crucial interaction between science, technology and diplomacy has been usually neglected by the academic literature. This project intends to close this gap by investigating some closely interconnected case studies which posed unprecedented challenges for Italian policy makers, as each one of them was deeply significant both for its domestic repercussions and for Italy’s international standing. It will look at the interplay between such fields as energy security, the environmental impact of energy choices, and the technological challenges of innovation in the aerospace and nuclear industries. A key feature of the project will be its focus on the interaction between technical experts and decision makers, to bypass the problematic methodological dichotomy caused by rigid approaches which tend to concentrate exclusively on either one of these categories. The availability of some hitherto unavailable archival sources, and the extensive use of interviews, will allow the project to move beyond these conceptual rigidities.

UNS3 and UNS3 Borse – Sostegno italiano alla formazione in Somalia

Financing Institution: Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo
Principal Investigator: prof. Alessandro Volterra
Duration: February 2020 – ongoing
Support project to the Somali National University structured on several aspects. The main ones: remodeling of Somali National University (UNS) curricula; design of a new university campus in Mogadishu; realization of an educational laboratory of medicine.
Sixteen fellows from four faculties: Law, Economics, Veterinary and Agriculture received a two-year scholarship to obtain their master’s degree.

Nuclear Proliferation International History Project (NPIHP)

Financing Institution: Carnegie Foundation of New York, 2011-2022; Fondazione Med-Or, 2023
Principal Investigator: prof. Leopoldo Nuti
Duration: 2011 – ongoing
The Nuclear Proliferation International History Project is a global network of individuals and institutions engaged in the study of international nuclear history through archival documents, oral history interviews, and other empirical sources. It is based at the W. Wilson Center in Washington D.C. and it is co-directed by Dr. Christian Ostermann and Prof. Leopoldo Nuti. Partners include The IAEA History Research Project, University of Vienna, the Center for the Documentation of the Contemporary History of Brazil, Getulio Vargas Foundation, the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Johannesburg, the Centre for Security, Strategy and Policy Research, University of Lahore, the Center for Nonproliferation, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, the Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Stockholm, The Nuclear Vault, National Security Archive.  Roma Tre is responsible for the Nuclear History Boot Camp, a Summer school aimed at building a new generation of experts on the international history of nuclear weapons.

To view the completed research projects on external funds, please visit the following page: Link identifier #identifier__85358-2Completed Research Projects.

Link identifier #identifier__31057-3Link identifier #identifier__171947-4Link identifier #identifier__107231-5
Simone Civiero 01 October 2024