Research Centres

Inter-University Centre of History and Euro- American Policy (CISPEA)

CISPEA is the first Italian and European Inter-University Centre in the field of United States’ historical-political studies and it was founded by Americanist historians within a consortium university. The main purposes are a scientific analysis and a public discussion on the American history and policy in terms of relationships between European countries and United States. The founding group is aware of the importance of historical studies both in the field of social and human sciences and in public life and believes that participation in the latter requests an update knowledge of the first one. The Centre intends to promote scientific research, advanced teaching and debate on the United States at national and international level in order to achieve both the objectives.

Research activity

Since its establishment CISPEA constantly follows the presidential and Mid-Term elections of the United States as in the discussion “A Transatlantic Take on American Elections 2020” held in person and online between 2020 and 2021. A new project is being planned for the 2024 elections: “Road to the 2024 Presidential Election”.

Moreover, CISPEA organizes Summer Schools, 13 editions have been held to date with the participation of PhD students and PhD graduates from all over Italy and Europe. In the last two years it has been suspended because of the pandemic.

A part of the lessons and debates of the school are regularly published in the journal for topic 14: Link identifier #identifier__138816-1Ricerche di Storia Politica.

Director: prof. Daniele Fiorentino
Steering Committee: Raffaella Baritono, Matteo Battistini (Università di Bologna), Lea Campos Boralevi (Università di Firenze), Maria Cristina Iuli (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Georg Meyr (Università di Trieste), Rolando Minuti (Università di Firenze), Leopoldo Nuti (Università di Roma Tre), Edoardo Tortarolo (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Elisabetta Vezzosi (Università di Trieste).

Inter-University Centre for Hungarian and Central-Eastern European Studies (CISUECO)

The Link identifier #identifier__38486-2Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi e sull’Europa Centrale e Orientale (CISUECO) is composed of eleven Italian universities (Roma Tre, Bologna, Firenze, Napoli “L’Orientale”, Milano, Padova, Perugia, Torino, Udine, Venezia) inside of which there are one or more Research Units appointed by the competent body of each University.

Established in 1985 as the Interuniversity Centre for Hungarian Studies in Italy, CISUESCO promotes and manages scientific projects in the field of linguistic, literary and historical studies related to Hungarian and Central – Eastern Europe culture. Since 2008, CISUESCO has its administrative headquarters at the Department of Political Science of Roma Tre University. The Centre undertakes highly intensive research activities, organizing conferences, cultural events and producing several scientific publications.

Research activity

The CISUECO has undertaken, in the 14 years following its establishment at Roma Tre, various research activities such as interdisciplinary conferences, publication of scientific works and cultural events. A detailed report of its activity has been filed with the administrative office and can be accessed upon request. In 2014, a scientific collaboration agreement was signed with the Institute of Philosophy Magyar Tudományi Akadémia (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), the most important Hungarian scientific institution. It has facilitated and continues to enable the organization of several conferences in Rome and Budapest, as well as the publication of various volumes. It should be noted that, with the support of the administrative offices of Roma Tre, in 2022 a new Statute was drafted and approved by the Rectors of the ten affiliated universities, more suitable for the specific situation of the Centre. Additional information and official documents, including the Statute itself, can be found on the Centre’s website.

Director: prof. Beatrix Töttössy (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Formazione, Lingue, Intercultura, Letterature e Psicologia)
Deputy Director: prof. Antonio D’Alessandri (Università degli studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche)

Interdepartmental Research Centre for Political-Constitutional Studies and Comparative Legislation (CRISPEL)

The Link identifier #identifier__120521-3Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per gli Studi Politico-costituzionali e di Legislazione comparata (CRISPEL), now named after its founder Giorgio Recchia, was established in 2003 at Roma Tre University by the current Departments of Law and Political Sciences, with the subsequent addition of the Departments of Business Economics and Education. The Centre has the purpose to promote studies and research in the political-constitutional field and comparative legislation, contributing to the work of public and private institutions at international, European, and national levels.

Research Activities

In addition to research and consultancy, CRISPEL has carried out several projects. On one hand, the enhancing of work of talented young scholars through specific awards and scholarships, and on the other hand, cultural promotion by organizing events such as book presentations, debates on current topics, conferences, and seminars. CRISPEL is also involved in higher education, arranging masterclasses, study days, and other events with nationally and internationally renowned professors. It supports internships at Italian and European institutions, giving students the opportunity to enhance their cultural and professional skills, particularly in view of their entering in the labor world. In 2011, the Centre established an editorial series consisting of two independent sections: the Section of Italian and European Public Law, directed by Franco Modugno, and the Section of Political Science and Comparative Politics, formerly directed by Pietro Grilli di Cortona.

Director: Prof. Carlo Colapietro
Deputy Director: Prof. Antonio Iannuzzi

Grandangolo – Interdepartmental Research Centre on European banking and finance law “Paolo Ferro-Luzzi”

The Link identifier #identifier__124521-4Grandangolo  Research Centre is the Interdepartmental Centre on European Banking and Finance Law “Paolo Ferro-Luzzi,” promoted and established by three departments of Roma Tre University: Law, Business Economics, and Political Science (promoter professors are Concetta Brescia Morra, Mario Bussoletti, Stefano D’Addona, Sabino Fortunato, Giulio Napolitano, Maddalena Rabitti, Andrea Zoppini).
The establishment of the Centre has the purpose to initiate a debate on the impact of significant regulatory changes in the European finance field in recent years, crucial not only for its economic implications but also for safeguarding the rights of individuals and businesses. The Centre intends to establish a stable exchange with university institutions and Italian, European research centres to foster the circulation of ideas and studies on the integration process of rules and institutions in Europe. The Centre is dedicated to the memory of Professor Paolo Ferro-Luzzi, distinguished scholar on the subject.

Research Activities

To achieve its goals, the Institution intends to implement a series of strategic activities including the promotion of conferences/seminars/symposia, the establishment of an information network among scholars, creation of specialized publications, development of relationships and collaborations with national and international cultural and scientific bodies and consultancy activities. Moreover, the Centre intends to enhance the education of young scholars supporting advanced training courses, higher education courses, internships as well as contributions to scholarships and research grants. The Centre also relies on a research group composed of researchers, Phd students and graduates to carry out its research activity. The Board may confer to them the title of Research Scholar of the Centre and propose to the Department scholarships or other types of compensation for their research activity.

Director: prof. Concetta Brescia Morra
Reference teachers for the Department of Political Science: prof. Stefano D’Addona, prof. Maria De Benedetto

Interdepartmental Research Centre on Central-Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia (CRIERE)

The Interdepartmental Research Centre on Central-Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia was established on September 1, 2018 at Roma Tre University by the Departments of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts; Department of Languages, Literature and Foreign Cultures and the department of Political Science. Its purpose is to promote and achieve advanced cross- disciplinary studies on Central-Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia. The Centre’s administrative headquarters are located within the Department of Political Science of Roma Tre University.

Research Activities

  • Inaugural conference of CRIERE’s activities: “Russia of today and tomorrow”, in December 2018;
  • Book presentation of Antonella Salomoni: “Le ceneri di Babij Jar. L’eccidio degli ebrei di Kiev” in May 2021;
  • Bibliographic seminars on Balkan history; seven meetings conducted between October 2021 and may 2022;
  • Conference on Russio-Ukranian war in March 2022;
  • Study conference organized jointly with “Fondazione Museo della Shoah” and the Ambassade of Albany in November 2022 on the rescue of Jews in Albania during World War II

Director: prof. Alberto Basciani (Department of Political Science)
Steering Committee: prof. Agnese Accattoli (Department of Languages, Literature and Foreign Cultures), prof. Antonio D’Alessandri (Department of Political Science), prof. Simona Merlo (Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts)

Interuniversity Centre for Historical-Military Studies (CISRSM)

The Centre was established in 1986 among the Universities of Turin, Padua, and Pisa, over the years it has been extended with the participation of other universities, to date it includes: Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Calabria, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, La Statale Milano, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Padua, La Sapienza, Roma Tre, and Valle d’Aosta. The Centre aims to promote and conduct research activities in the field of military history, including several aspects such as the history among society, wars and armed forces, the history of wars, military institutions history, military sciences and techniques history, historiography military history, cultures of war and military, military sociology and social sciences relevant to understanding the military dimension and in general all research fields contributing to a deeper understanding of national and international military history. To facilitate the exchange of knowledge and research experiences, the Centre promotes proposals to support, implement, publish, allocate, organize, and undertake the more suitable scientific initiatives. These proposals may involve scientific and teaching cooperation with Italian or foreign scientific institutions; the promotion of scientific conferences and seminars, training and updating courses, or research projects entrusted to individual researchers, as well as the development of scientific, informative, and educational materials.

Interdepartmental Centre for Research on Somali Studies (CIRSS)

Since its foundation, the CIRSS’ activity has been dedicated to producing and collecting materials aiming at contributing to the reconstruction of Somalia’s national identity. This involves preserving and making available online documents related to language (particularly through the “Studi Somali” series and the editing of three vocabularies between 2012 and 2022), history, laws, and other aspects of the country’s culture and society. The digital cataloguing and archiving activities were made possible through the “Archivio Somalia” project, enabling institutions and the entire Somali community, both in the homeland and the diaspora, to access a vast multidisciplinary heritage (literature, history, law, anthropology, musicology, agriculture, and veterinary studies), collecting documentation sometimes very difficult to find with free access for users.

 Research Activities

The Centre has two main activities:

  • the “Studi Somali” series, which has recently focused on producing monographic issues, particularly in the fields of linguistics and Somali literature;
  • the Archivio Somalia, which has two main purposes: preserving and remembering the past and fostering hope in the future and in the possibility of reconstruction. Its primary goal is to make accessible and consultable online the available materials, becoming a distribution centre for materials that others may want to provide to the Somali and international community. The Archivio allows online consultation and downloading of all materials and files it contains. The Archivio may be consulted at the following link Link identifier #identifier__64617-5dal sito del sistema bibliotecario di Ateneo.

Director: prof. Alessandro Volterra
Chairman: prof. Annarita Puglielli

Interdepartmental Centre for Studies and Documentation on China and East Asia (CSDCINA)

Given China’s increasing presence in various aspects of Italy-EU economic, social, cultural, and academic life, the establishment of an interdepartmental center to explore these themes in an interdisciplinary manner was deemed crucial. Thus, the University created the Center for Studies and Documentation on China and East Asia (Link identifier #identifier__127947-6Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Documentazione su Cina e Asia Orientale). The Centre relies on a large team of faculty and researchers from Roma Tre University, who can interact with other universities at national and European level, also encouraging joint participation in Italian, European, and international research projects or PNRR funds. The Centre is supported by the Study and Documentation Centre on China at Roma Tre, the Department of Political Science (Altiero Spinelli Centre of Excellence), the Department of Architecture (Sino-Italian Center Fuzhou University-Roma Tre), and the Chinese Language Chairs of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Foreign Cultures.

Director: prof. Federico Roberto Antonelli
Deputy Director: prof. Chiara Romagnoli


Link identifier #identifier__180762-7Link identifier #identifier__59995-8Link identifier #identifier__148783-9
Simone Civiero 01 October 2024