European Projects

Ongoing European projects

DigiCivis – Empower European Digital Citizenship Education in Schools

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ KA2 (Cooperation partnerships in school education)
Principal investigator: prof. Raffaele Torino
Duration: December 2023 – November 2025
The project, through a cooperation between 7 partners in the educational innovation field from 5 EU Member States, aims at: a) developing and implementing digital citizenship competences in schools for teachers who have experienced a rapid transition from traditional to digital lessons; b) preparing schools to introduce learning programmes related to digital citizenship competences, including accessible and personalised learning materials, in their curricula; c) activating, understanding, promoting and protecting the values and principles of European citizenship and human rights in the digital dimension.

EUTeach – Teaching the Economics of European and Global Interdependence

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ Teachers’ Training
Principal investigator: prof. Fabio Masini
Duration: 2022-2025
Website: Link identifier #identifier__43620-1
It aims to create a three-year (2022-2025) path of rethinking and training for the teaching of political economy in high schools, starting from the recognition that the economics taught today has very little adherence with a reality in which factors of interdependence between national systems in both the continental and global spheres are prevalent and in need of multilevel governance. It is aimed at high school teachers and students in which Economics is taught.

EUPress – Knowing and communicating Europe

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ Networks Schools
Principal investigator: prof. Fabio Masini
Duration: 2022-2025
Website: Link identifier #identifier__123584-2
This project stems from the need to develop an innovative and appealing model of transnational multilevel European civic education for secondary school students. Starting from the analysis of the differences in the approach of the teaching programmes in the different participating countries, it is proposed to develop and implement on an experimental basis an organic proposal of multilevel European civic education in the teaching curriculum, by exploiting current issues that embrace the future of the young generations through the journalistic methodology. To this end, a multimedia thematic workbook will be produced and made available in the various project languages.

ILO – Intercultural Learning Online

EU funding programme: Erasmus KA-220
Principal investigator: prof. Fabio Masini
Duration: 2022-2024
Website: Link identifier #identifier__106658-3
The growing immigrant population in Europe makes visible the fact that there is a large number of refugees and immigrants whose skills, capacity and expertise are not properly utilized in Europe. Immigrants’ fast and effective job market participation experiences increase their positive feelings regarding belonging. The ILO-Intercultural Learning Online project, funded by the European Union will organize opportunities for highly educated immigrants to use their talents and capacity by lecturing in partner universities and by conducting shared workshops and short courses to improve their self-esteem.

CONSULTING EUTH – Enhancing the level of social inclusion of youth migrants and refugees, co-designing policies through the setting up of consultative bodies at local and European level

EU funding programme: AMIF (Asylum, Migrationa and Integration Fund)
Principal investigator: prof. Fabio Masini
Duration: 2022-2023
Website: Link identifier #identifier__36669-4
Consulting EUth aims to support the setting up of consultative bodies of youth migrants at local and EU level in close cooperation with public authorities, aiming at involving youth migrants/refugees in active political life, co-designing policies addressed to migrants and refugees. Creating a system of EU and local consultative bodies involving migrants and refugees in designing policies is the main outcome of the project, that takes into account the different frameworks of legislations of the different member States involved in the project, based on a multi-stakeholder approach promoted by a partnership composed by NGO expert in training and education, Universities, Municipalities and governmental LA.

HOLYLAB – A global economic organization in the early modern period: The Custody of the Holy Land through its account books (1600-1800)

EU funding programme: ERC Consolidator Grant 2020
Principal investigator: prof. Felicita Tramontana
Duration: November 2021 – October 2026
Website: Link identifier #identifier__22626-5
The Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, established in the 13th century, secured the maintenance of the Holy Sepulchre and the friar’s presence in the Holy Land. However, the Custody remains understudied and its rich archive unexploited. The EU-funded HOLYLAB project will study the Custody’s economic organisation through its account book between 1600 and 1800, advancing current research on Franciscan practices. The project will combine an analysis of economic practices on a local, regional, and global level, with the research of the organisational structures and the mechanisms that allowed its functioning and maintenance. HOLYLAB will study the global circulation of people, money, and objects and the institutions’ organisation.

MOVE21 – Multimodal and interconnected hubs for freight and passenger transport contributing to a zero emission 21st century

EU funding programme: Horizon 2020
Principal investigators: prof. Edoardo Marcucci, prof. Valerio Gatta
Duration: May 2021 – April 2025
Website: Link identifier #identifier__166542-6
The Move21 project (2021-2025) aims to test and disseminate an integrated approach related to the joint management of freight and passenger transport with a view to a rapid transition towards zero-emission transport systems. At the heart of MOVE21’s integrated approach are the six Living Labs in Oslo, Gothenburg, Hamburg, Munich, Bologna and Rome, where different types of mobility hubs and related innovations will be tested and new ways to overcome barriers to mobility will be implemented. clean and smart. MOVE21 comprises 24 partners (six public authorities, two public transport companies, six industrial partners, six research organizations and four networks) from seven different European countries. The Trelab working group of Roma Tre is mainly involved in building the framework for assessing the impacts of the solutions identified by all the Living Labs and in supporting the implementation activities of the solutions in the city of Rome.

DiCit4EU – Digital citizenship for EU

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module
Principal investigator: prof. Raffaele Torino
Duration: January 2021 – December 2023
Website: Link identifier #identifier__58482-7
This module, which will run for three years starting from the academic year 2020/2021, fits within the ‘digital citizenship’ framework and aims to explore topics such as: the rights and duties of European citizenship, the new dimension assumed by European citizenship within the digital society, the values and principles of the EU and human rights in the online dimension.

Completed European projects

EU@school – European Union citizenship at school

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ – KA2 (Cooperation partnerships in school education)
Principal investigator: prof. Raffaele Torino
Duration: December 2021 – November 2023
Website: Link identifier #identifier__148846-8
The project, through cooperation between 9 partners in the field of educational innovation from 6 EU Member States, aims to train teachers on EU-related topics and assist them in developing methodologies and strategies to integrate the teaching of European citizenship into their teaching subjects. Motivate students to become active citizens and raise their awareness of the context, rights and shared values of the EU. To support schools in increasing civic participation and engagement and the participation of young students in democratic life.

PARTICIPATION – Analyzing and preventing extremism via participation

EU funding programme: Horizon 2020
Principal investigator: prof. Francesco Antonelli
Duration: 1 December 2020 – 30 November 2023
Website: Link identifier #identifier__82010-9
PARTICIPATION is a 3-year Horizon 2020 funded project involving 15 European partners (Universities, NGOs, Think Tanks). It aims at preventing extremism, radicalization and polarization that can lead to violence through more effective social and education policies and interventions.  The project offers a holistic approach towards extremism and radicalization in order to capture and explore contemporary experiences of extremism and radicalization and proposes concrete actions, policies, and digital tools that will empower policy actors and practitioners to respond to a changing reality.  The project’s main topics are also violence, conflict and conflict resolution, transformation of societies, democratization, and social movements.

EU2 – You too! Involving civil society in the making of the future EU

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project
Principal investigator: prof. Fabio Masini
Duration: 2020-2022
Website: Link identifier #identifier__138263-10
The project EU2-You too! Involving civil society in the making of the future EU, aims at 1) assisting the Representative of the European Commission in the process of involvement of citizens, 2) helping it to reach a higher, and different, number of people that are relevant in this bottom-up process of designing the future EU and 3) mobilizing the regional and national networks which can support the Commission initiative.

EURef – Reforming the Eurozone: a critical discussion

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project
Principal investigator: prof. Fabio Masini
Duration: 2019-2021
The project aims: 1) to promote a deep academic discussion in Italy on the most critical arguments inside this huge debate; 2) to enhance, among students, the knowledge about the Eurozone and its functioning and problems; 3) to involve civil society in the debate, offering them the tools to understand it and to grasp its relevance.

EU@R3 – Theories and History of European Economic Governance: Quo Vadis Europa?

EU funding programme: Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair
Principal investigator: prof. Fabio Masini
Duration: 2018-2021
Website: Link identifier #identifier__18796-11
The three years (2018-2021) activities of the Chair are meant to enhance the awareness of students, civil society organizations, local authorities and governmental policy-makers concerning the relevance, opportunities and critical elements of the European Economic Governance, from its historical roots to the current debates. They are based on both formal and non-formal education, academic seminars, dissemination initiatives.

TRIVALENT – Terrorism prevention via radicalization counter-narrative

EU funding programme: Horizon 2020
Principal investigator: prof. Francesco Antonelli
Duration: 2017-2020

MAP-FGM – Multi-sectorial academic programme to prevent and combat Female Genital Mutilation

EU funding programme: Daphne
Principal investigator: prof. Michela Fusaschi
Duration: 2015-2017
Website: Link identifier #identifier__93789-12

UEFGM EU Knowledge Platform project

EU funding programme: Daphne
Scientific expert: prof. Michela Fusaschi
Duration: 2015-2017

CITYLAB – City Logistics in Living Laboratories

EU funding programme: Horizon 2020
Responsabili scientifici: prof. Edoardo Marcucci, prof. Valerio Gatta
Duration: 2015-2018

REMSHOA – L’Italia e la deportazione degli ebrei nei territori occupati durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale: 1939-1945

EU funding programme: Europe for Citizens – Strand1: European Remembrance
Principal investigator: prof. Alessandro Volterra
Duration: 2015-2017

SEFIRA – Socio Economic implications For Individual Responses to Air Pollution policies in EU +27

EU funding programme: FP7 – Environment
Responsabili scientifici: prof. Edoardo Marcucci, prof. Valerio Gatta
Duration: 2013-2016

Link identifier #identifier__104820-13Link identifier #identifier__157816-14Link identifier #identifier__168611-15
Simone Civiero 01 October 2024