The course aims to provide students with the necessary in depth analysis of the basic concepts of international politics with the specific aim of favoring a critical attitude towards the fundamental problems of the current world order. In particular, the course aims to explain the evolution of the international system after 1989 through an empirical analysis based on the identification of the main international factors (power distribution within the system, degree of international tension, military alliances, economic interdependence) that influence relations between states.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is articulated in two parts.The topic issue is focused on the nature and the classification of war referring to the major international theories (Clausewitz; Schmitt; Aron). The course analyzes the evolution of war in terms of power and legal limits to the use of violence from Westphalia to the present day. In the second part the course discusses the Samuel Huntington theory of «The Clash of Civilization» to develop a new theoretical framework understanding the world politics after the cold war.

Testi Adottati

A. Colombo, La guerra ineguale. Pace e violenza nel tramonto della società internazionale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2006.
S.P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon & Schuster, New York 1996.

The 6 credits program for non-attending students excludes chapters V, VIII XII of the book of S.P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon & Schuster, New York 1996.
Attending students who take the written test will agree the 6 credits program with the teacher.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

For further details see: R. Aron, Peace and War, London and New York, Routledge 2003 (edizione originale: Paix et guerre entre les nations,Paris, Calmann-Lévy 1962) R. Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1981; K.N. Waltz, Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis, New York, Columbia University Press 1959.

Modalità Erogazione

The course is based on lectures but student participation in the discussion is encouraged.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory. Written examination is reserved for attending students.

Modalità Valutazione

Written and oral examination. The written examination consists of an open-ended test and is reserved for attending students.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21810578 POLITICA INTERNAZIONALE in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z PISCIOTTA BARBARA


The course is articulated in two parts.The topic issue is focused on the nature and the classification of war referring to the major international theories (Clausewitz; Schmitt; Aron). The course analyzes the evolution of war in terms of power and legal limits to the use of violence from Westphalia to the present day. In the second part the course discusses the Samuel Huntington theory of «The Clash of Civilization» to develop a new theoretical framework understanding the world politics after the cold war.

Testi Adottati

A. Colombo, La guerra ineguale. Pace e violenza nel tramonto della società internazionale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2006.
S.P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon & Schuster, New York 1996.

The 6 credits program for non-attending students excludes chapters V, VIII XII of the book of S.P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon & Schuster, New York 1996.
Attending students who take the written test will agree the 6 credits program with the teacher.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

For further details see: R. Aron, Peace and War, London and New York, Routledge 2003 (edizione originale: Paix et guerre entre les nations,Paris, Calmann-Lévy 1962) R. Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1981; K.N. Waltz, Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis, New York, Columbia University Press 1959.

Modalità Erogazione

The course is based on lectures but student participation in the discussion is encouraged.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory. Written examination is reserved for attending students.

Modalità Valutazione

Written and oral examination. The written examination consists of an open-ended test and is reserved for attending students.