The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the socio-legal phenomenon of deviance and crime by looking at a series of theories that will be related to macro-concepts such as: the ideology of social defence, the crisis of the rule of law, justicialism as a political and media phenomenon, the guarantee and protection of fundamental rights, the meaning of punishment. The course will then analyse the phenomenon of “white collar crime” and corruption, both in politics and in the Public Administration. Finally, the course also aims to understand the functioning of the penitentiary institution and administration.


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Mutuazione: 21810525 CRIMINE, DEVIANZA, CORRUZIONE in Amministrazioni e Politiche Pubbliche LM-63 SIMONE ANNA

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21810525 CRIMINE, DEVIANZA, CORRUZIONE in Amministrazioni e Politiche Pubbliche LM-63 SIMONE ANNA