Being able to choose the most appropriate statistical model for data that typically arise in the digital era.
Getting familiar with the statistical environment R for model estimation and goodness of fit evaluation.
Being able to communicate efficiently the model output.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Introduction to R e R Studio. Importing data. Basic graphs. Basics of descriptive data analysis. Linear models: analysis of variance and regression. Interactions and transformations, Generalized linear models: logistic regression and Poisson regression. Time series analysis: temporal autocorrelation and linear models with ARMA errors. Spatial statistics: spatial autocorrelation and linear models with SAR and CAR errors. Panel data: random effects and generalized linear mixed effects models.

Testi Adottati

Eric D. Kolaczyk , Gábor Csárdi (2014) Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R. Springer

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandary but recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Research project and presentation