Russia, a country that is essential to the international political equilibrium, is at the center of this course. The main objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of Russian history during the years of communism, in order to deepen the dynamics of the crisis, the fall and the difficult transition towards a political and economic model, that is only partly inspired by Western democracies.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21810420 STORIA DELLA RUSSIA E DELLO SPAZIO POST-SOVIETICO in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z BASCIANI ALBERTO


Introduction: from Kievan Rus' to Ivan IV the Terrible; The First Modernisation of Russia: Peter the Great and the birth of a Great Power; The long Russian 19th century from the Napoleonic wars to the reforms of Alexander II; The Russia of Nicholas II: The contradictions of an impetuous and disorderly development; The First World War and the end of a world; The Bolshevik revolution, its origins and affirmation; The Russian civil wars and the origins of the Soviet state; The NEP, the rise of Stalin, Collectivisation, industrialisation and the birth of Stalin's USSR; The Great Terror; The Comintern, Communist parties and traditional foreign policy; The Second World War; Victory and the birth of a superpower; The Cold War: The USSR and the West; Chhrushchev and the 20th Congress of the PCUS; The Brezhnev years: consolidation and stagnation; The impossible reform of the system: Gorbachev between perestroika and glasnost'; The end of the USSR and the birth of the Russian Federation; Yeltsin and the age of turbulence; A new strongman? Putin the new Russia and its wars: ambitions and contradictions of a regime.

Testi Adottati

1) A. Graziosi, L'Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, Il Mulino

3) F. Benvenuti, Russia oggi, dalla caduta dell'Unione sovietica ai nostri giorni, Roma, Carocci.

for non-attending students: P. Paul Bushkovitch, Breve storia della Russia. dalle origini a Putin, Torino, Einaudi

Modalità Frequenza

not mandatory but strongly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

discussion with the teacher on some of the main issues explained during the course and approached from the textbooks.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21810420 STORIA DELLA RUSSIA E DELLO SPAZIO POST-SOVIETICO in Relazioni internazionali LM-52 A - Z BASCIANI ALBERTO


Introduction: from Kievan Rus' to Ivan IV the Terrible; The First Modernisation of Russia: Peter the Great and the birth of a Great Power; The long Russian 19th century from the Napoleonic wars to the reforms of Alexander II; The Russia of Nicholas II: The contradictions of an impetuous and disorderly development; The First World War and the end of a world; The Bolshevik revolution, its origins and affirmation; The Russian civil wars and the origins of the Soviet state; The NEP, the rise of Stalin, Collectivisation, industrialisation and the birth of Stalin's USSR; The Great Terror; The Comintern, Communist parties and traditional foreign policy; The Second World War; Victory and the birth of a superpower; The Cold War: The USSR and the West; Chhrushchev and the 20th Congress of the PCUS; The Brezhnev years: consolidation and stagnation; The impossible reform of the system: Gorbachev between perestroika and glasnost'; The end of the USSR and the birth of the Russian Federation; Yeltsin and the age of turbulence; A new strongman? Putin the new Russia and its wars: ambitions and contradictions of a regime.

Testi Adottati

1) A. Graziosi, L'Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, Il Mulino

3) F. Benvenuti, Russia oggi, dalla caduta dell'Unione sovietica ai nostri giorni, Roma, Carocci.

for non-attending students: P. Paul Bushkovitch, Breve storia della Russia. dalle origini a Putin, Torino, Einaudi

Modalità Frequenza

not mandatory but strongly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

discussion with the teacher on some of the main issues explained during the course and approached from the textbooks.