The course will provide tools for understanding micro-conflicts between genders; conflicts between genders and the outside world; macro-conflicts between States due to gender discrimination. After investigating the political, legal and social meaning of concepts such as gender, sex, conflicts, in all their articulations, we will move on to the analysis of typologies of conflict on a transnational scale: emancipation strategies and struggles for formal and substantive equality; recognition of sexual differences and sexual orientation; intersectionality. Finally, the conflicts created by non-Western feminist movements such as Islamic feminism and Black Feminism will be investigated, as well as the approach of legal feminism towards law, rights and justice.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


In the first part of the course, the main currents of feminist thought and gender studies will be investigated in relation to their conflictual impact that has contributed to transforming history and societies over the centuries: conflicts for emancipation and equality; thinking about sexual difference; conflicts for liberation, for women’s freedom and for all other diversities; post-colonial conflicts; intersectionality. In the second part of the course these lines of thought will be linked to the main authors on an international scale: O. De Gouges; M. Wollstonecraft; A. M. Kollontai; V. Woolf; S. de Beauvoir; J. Scott; B. Friedan; K. Millet; C. Gilligan; L. Irigaray; C. Lonzi; L. Muraro; A. Rich; D. J. Haraway; R. Braidotti; J. Butler; G. Spivack and others. Finally, in the third and last part of the course, some specific approaches will be illustrated such as Islamic feminism; black feminism; legal feminism.

Testi Adottati

-A. Cavarero, F. Restaino, Le filosofie femministe, Bruno Mondadori, 2002 ((Solo la prima parte è da studiare. la seconda parte del volume dal titolo "antologia" è solo da leggere).
-A. Simone, I. Boiano, A. Condello, Femminismo giuridico. Teorie e problemi, Mondadori Università, 2019.
-R. Pepicelli,«Femminismo Islamico: una storia plurale»,in Genesis,XII/1, 2013, pp.101/117. (Dispensa disponibile presso la Biblioteca del Dipartimento)

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

-A. Cavarero, F. Restaino, Le filosofie femministe, Bruno Mondadori, 2002. -A. Simone, I. Boiano, A. Condello, Femminismo giuridico. Teorie e problemi, Mondadori Università, 2019. -R. Pepicelli,«Femminismo Islamico: una storia plurale»,in Genesis,XII/1, 2013, pp.101/117. (Dispensa disponibile presso la Biblioteca del Dipartimento)

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be carried out through lectures on the exam program and thematic insights on the individual topics addressed. During the course students will be actively involved through the study of texts and through the seminar activity.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory, but recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Oral examination. Attending students can choose the topic to start from, which will be followed by two other questions. For all the other four questions to check the knowledge of the whole program.