The objective of the course is tied to an understanding of the traditional social makeup of African society, the impact of colonialism from a cultural and administrative point of view: (schooling, justice, the balance between town and country); society (heritage from father in son, identity, property rights, the role of women); and themes concerning beliefs (mono and poly theism and magical or religious practices). All of which within a historical prospective to provide the basis for an understanding of the diverse regions of sub-Saharan Africa.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The first part of he course focuses on the historical question of African history and the history sources for this continent. Particular reference is made to oral sources and methodology. The course will then move on to the fundamental aspects.
The course aims to provide basic background knowledge of the history of the continent and its modern day problems, this in the light of a historical understanding of different cultures.
Subjects covered:
Aspects of African culture (Clans and ancestry, totemism, theism, social structures)
The impact of colonialism
The Africanisation of the colonialistic western culture

Testi Adottati

- Bernardo Bernardi, Africa. Tradizione e Modernità, Carocci, 2001

- Catherine Coquery Vidrovitch, Breve storia dell'Africa, Il Mulino, 2012 (French original edition)

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

There is no specific book list

Modalità Erogazione

Head on lessons aimed at acquiring fundametal background knowledge prior to the approaching the course. Participation is volontary.

Modalità Frequenza

Participation is volontary, but it is advisable to attend as many of the subjects refer to the main history course.

Modalità Valutazione

There will be an oral examination on the subject of both parts of the course. The level of a student's knowledge will be assessed during an oral examination aimed at establishing the actual comprehension of the concepts and ability of the student to place them within various contexts of the Subsaharan continent.