The course aims to introduce the topics of strategy, defense policy and development of military power focusing in particular on the Italian case. The aim of the course is therefore to lead students to familiarize with the concept of “strategy” and with the actors and dynamics of defense policy within states, to inform them about the main issues related to the development of the Armed Forces, and to outline a theoretical framework of reference for the analysis of national defense policies.
scheda docente | materiale didattico



Week 1 – The Theory of Stratey: Fundamental Concepts
1. Introduction: The academic discipline of Strategic Studies, Objectives and structure of the course, assessment, teaching approach, materials.

2. The Strategic Approach to international Relations: Strategy as a Science and its fundamental assumptions.
Bernard Brodie, ‘Strategy as a Science’ World Politics, Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 1949), pp. 467-488.
Michael Howard, ‘The Strategic Approach to International Relations’, British Journal of International Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (April 1976), pp. 67-75.
MLR Smith – Strategic Theory Assumptions.

3. The concept of Strategy: General overview and analytical framework
Bob De Wit, Strategy: An International Perspective, 6th Edition (Andover: Cengage, 2017).
Niccolò Petrelli, La Grande Strategia e il Futuro della Competizione USA-Cina (Lugano: StartInsight/Europa Atlantica, 2021), 27-29.
Edward Luttwak, Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace (Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2002), levels
Niccolò Petrelli, La Grande Strategia e il Futuro della Competizione USA-Cina, 53-55.

Week 2 – The "environment" and content of Grand Strategy

4. Grand Strategy and the “environment”
Edward Luttwak, Strategy, scope.
Niccolò Petrelli, La Grande Strategia e il Futuro della Competizione USA-Cina, 30.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies - Anarchy in International Relations.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies - Interdependence in International Organization and Global Governance.

5. The elements of Grand Strategy: Diagnosis, Objectives.
Niccolò Petrelli, La Grande Strategia e il Futuro della Competizione USA-Cina, 31-40.

6. The Elements of Grand Strategy: Means
Niccolò Petrelli, La Grande Strategia e il Futuro della Competizione USA-Cina, 40-47.

Week 3 – The Content of Grand Strategy (II)

7. The Elements of Grand Strategy: Time
Niccolò Petrelli, La Grande Strategia e il Futuro della Competizione USA-Cina, 47-51.
Andrew Carr, ‘It’s about time: Strategy and temporal phenomena’, Journal of Strategic Studies (2018).

8. The Elements of Grand Strategy: The competitive logic
Niccolò Petrelli, La Grande Strategia e il Futuro della Competizione USA-Cina, 47-51.
Michael Porter, ‘What is Strategy?’, Harvard Business Review (January-February 1996).

9. The Execution of Grand Strategy
Colin Gray, The Strategy Bridge: Theory for Practice (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012), 59-74.*
Niccolò Petrelli – The Stages of Grand Strategy (dispensa)

Week 4 – The Process of Grand Strategy

10. Strategy and Contingency
Hew Strachan, ‘Strategy and contingency’, International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs, Vol. 87, No. 6 (November 2011), pp. 1281-1296.

11. The strategy process: features and analytical criteria.
Lawrence Freedman, Strategy, A History (Oxford: Oxford UP: 2013).
John Lewis Gaddis, ‘Containment and the Logic of Strategy’, The National Interest, No. 10 (WINTER 1987/8), pp. 27-38.
Richard K. Betts, ‘The Trouble with Strategy: Bridging Policy and Operations’, Joint Force Quarterly (Autumn/Winter 2001–02), 23-30.

12. The Grand Strategy of Brasil
Carlos R. S. Milani and Tiago Nery, ‘Brazil’, in Thierry Balzacq, Simon Reich, Peter Dombrowski (eds.), Comparative Grand Strategy A Framework and Cases (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019).
Matias Spektor, ‘Brazil: Shadows of the Past and Contested Ambitions’, in William I. Hitchcock, Melvyn P. Leffler, Jeffrey W. Legro (eds.), Shaper Nations: Strategies for a Changing World (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2016).

Week 5 – Grand Strategy in Practice: Case Studies

13. The Grand Strategy of the EU
Daniel Fiott and Luis Simón, ‘The European Union’ in Thierry Balzacq, Simon Reich, Peter Dombrowski (eds.), Comparative Grand Strategy A Framework and Cases (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019).
Sven Biscop, ‘No peace from corona: defining EU strategy for the 2020s’, Journal of European Integration, 42/8 (2020), 1009-1023.

14. The Grand Strategy of Russia
Celine Marangé, ‘Russia’ in Thierry Balzacq, Simon Reich, Peter Dombrowski (eds.), Comparative Grand Strategy A Framework and Cases (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019).
Fyodor Lukyanov, ‘Russia: Geopolitics and Identity’, in William I. Hitchcock, Melvyn P. Leffler, Jeffrey W. Legro (eds.), Shaper Nations: Strategies for a Changing World (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2016),

VIa Settimana – Grand Strategy in practice: Case Studies (II)

15. The Grand Strategy of Israel
Eitan Shamir, ‘Israel’ in Thierry Balzacq, Simon Reich, Peter Dombrowski (eds.), Comparative Grand Strategy A Framework and Cases (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019).
Ariel Levite, ‘Israel: Strategic Vision Adrift’ in William I. Hitchcock, Melvyn P. Leffler, Jeffrey W. Legro (eds.), Shaper Nations: Strategies for a Changing World (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2016).

16. The Grand Strategy of Iran
Thierry Balzacq and Wendy Ramadan-Alban, ‘Iran’ in Thierry Balzacq, Simon Reich, Peter Dombrowski (eds.), Comparative Grand Strategy A Framework and Cases (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019).
Kevjn Lim, ‘Iran’s Grand Strategic Logic’, Survival, 62/5 (2020), 157-172

17. The Grand Strategy of China
Andrew S. Erickson, ‘China’, in Thierry Balzacq, Simon Reich, Peter Dombrowski (eds.), Comparative Grand Strategy A Framework and Cases (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019).
Oriana Skylar Mastro, ‘Chinese Grand Strategy’, In John Baylis, James J. Wirtz, Jeannie L. Johnson (eds), Strategy in the Contemporary World, 7th edition, (Oxford UP, forthcoming Dec 2021).

Week 7 – Conclusions
18. The Grand Strategy of the US
Hal Brands, Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump (Washington DC: Brookings, 2018), cap. 3.

19. Conclusions and Final Revision

Testi Adottati

see program

Modalità Valutazione

15% class attendance 25% group presentation 30% mid-term exam 30% final exam