21810488 - Rules and cultures

The course provides theoretical and methodological tools of legal anthropology for understanding the cultural dynamics of law and the multiple ways regulation acts and confronts the social, cultural and gender relationships. With specific attention to legislation as a form of power, governmentality and discipline, the course also analyses legal pluralism, the transnational law and its localisation, and the contradictions of local and global governance.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


This course introduces students to key concepts of legal anthropology in order to understand the relationship between legal processes and other aspects of cultural, social and political life in a pluralistic context.
It will focus on issues relating to the complexities and challenges posed to law by the increasing cultural diversity of our societies. Students will be encouraged to reflect on the implications of an anthropological understanding of law and the different legal traditions studied by anthropologists, and to attempt to apply these concepts in concrete situations, with a focus on gender relations.

Testi Adottati

June Starr, Jane F. Collier, 2018, History and Power in the Study of Law: New Directions in Legal Anthropology, Cornell University Press, (pdf in Jstor open access, selected articles)

Merry Engle S., 1992, Anthropology, Law, and Transnational Processes, Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 21 (1992), pp. 357-379 (pdf in Jstor)

Unni Wikan, 2008, Delitti d’onore. La storia di Fadime, Antropologia (http://www.ledijournals.com/ojs/index.php/antropologia/article/view/162)

Fusaschi M. 2014, “Luoghi della migrazione e corpi della tradizione. Aggravanti e attenuanti culturali in materia di modificazioni dei genitali femminili”, in Studi emigrazione/Migration Studies, (in pdf)

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Abu-Lughod L., 2013 Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Brunelli G., 2007 « Prevenzione e divieto delle mutilazioni genitali femminili: genealogia (e limiti) di una legge », in Quaderni costituzionali, XXVII (3): 567-588. Coene G., Longman C. (sous la direction de), 2005 Féminisme et multiculturalisme. Les paradoxes du débat, Peter Lang, Bern. Delage P., Lieber M. et Chetcuti-Osorovitz N., 2019 «Lutter contre les violences de genre. Des mouvements féministes à leur institutionnalisation », in Cahiers du Genre, LXVI (1) : 5-16. DOI : 10.3917/cdge.066.0005 De Vido S., 2016 Donne, violenza e diritto internazionale. La Convenzione di Istanbul del Consiglio d’Europa del 2011, Mimesis, Milano. Fassin D., Lézé S. (sous la direction de), 2013 La question morale. Une anthologie critique, PUF, Paris. Fusaschi M., 2003 I segni sul corpo. Per un’antropologia delle modificazioni dei genitali femminili, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. Fusaschi M., 2007 «Verso un multiculturalismo all’italiana. Il dibattito sull’infibulazione in Italia», in F. Pompeo (sous la direction de), La società di tutti. Multiculturalismo e politiche dell’identità, Meltemi, Roma: 95-116. Fusaschi M., 2010 «Victimes à tout jamais : les enfants et les femmes d’Afrique. Humanitarisme spectacle et rhétoriques de la pitié », in Cahiers d’Études africaines, CC: 1033-1053. Fusaschi M., 2011 Quando il corpo è delle Altre. Retoriche della pietà e umanitarismo spettacolo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. Fusaschi M., 2014a « Modifications génitales féminines en Europe : raison humanitaire et universalismes ethnocentriques », in Synergies Italie, X: 95-107. Fusaschi M., 2014 b « Luoghi della migrazione e corpi della tradizione. Aggravanti e attenuanti culturali in materia di modificazioni dei genitali femminili » in Studi emigrazione, 193: 161-174. Fusaschi M., 2015 « Humanitarian Bodies. Gender and Genitals Modifications in Italian immigration policy », in Cahiers d’études africaines, LV [217] : 11-28. Fusaschi M., 2018a « L’etnografia attraversata dal genere: per uno sguardo storico e pratico- politico sulle soggettività », in Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, II: 388-340. Fusaschi M., 2018b Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo-logiche di genere nella globalizzazione, CISU, Roma. Fusaschi M., Cavatorta G. (eds), 2018 FMG/C From medicine to critical anthropology, Torino, Meti. Goodale M., Merry S. E. (eds), 2007 The Practice of Human Rights: Tracking Law Between the Global and the Local, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Gribaldo A., 2014 « The paradoxical victim: Intimate violence narratives on trial in Italy » in American ethnologist, XLI, (4,) pp. 743–756. DOI : 10.1111/amet.12109 Kraus C. et al., 2008 « Édito. Démédicaliser les corps, politiser les identités : convergence des luttes féministes et intersexes », in Nouvelles Questions féministes, XXVII (1) : 4-15. Krivenko E. Y., 2015 « Rethinking human rights and culture through female genital surgeries », in Human Rights Quarterly, XXXVII (1): 107–136. DOI : 10.1353/hrq.2015.0008 Mesnard P., 2002 La victime écran. La représentation humanitaire en question, Textuel, Paris. Merry S. E., 2003 « Human Right Law and the Demonization of culture », in PoLAR, XXVI (1): 55-76. Merry S. E., 2006 Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International Law into Local Justice, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Mestiri S., 2016 Décoloniser le féminisme : une approche transculturelle, Vrin, Paris. Mohanty C.T., 2013 « Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique », in Signs : Journal of Women in Culture and Society, XXXVIII (4): 967-991. Moore H., 1988 Feminist Anthropology, Polity press, Cambridge. Otto D., 2006 « Lost in translation: Re-scripting the sexed subjects of international human rights law », in International law and its others: 318–356. Palomera J., Vetta T., 2016 « Moral economy: Rethinking a radical concept », in Anthropological Theory, XVI (4): 1–21. DOI : 10.1177/1463499616678097 Peroni L., 2016 « Violence Against Migrant Women: The Istanbul Convention Through a Postcolonial Feminist Lens », in Feminist Legal Studies, XXIV:49–67. DOI : 10.1007/s10691-016-9316-x Tamale S., 2008 «The right to culture and the culture of rights: a critical perspective on women’s sexual rights», in Africa in Feminist Legal Studies, XVI (1): 47–69.

Modalità Erogazione

Seminar lectures are planned. The presence and active participation of students are essential

Modalità Frequenza

Attending is recommended but not mandatory

Modalità Valutazione

For attenders students, a paper to be discussed in class on a topic decided upon during the course. For non-attenders: an oral interview. It is also possible to submit a written paper, to be agreed with the lecturer, no later than the end of the course.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


This course introduces students to key concepts of legal anthropology in order to understand the relationship between legal processes and other aspects of cultural, social and political life in a pluralistic context.
It will focus on issues relating to the complexities and challenges posed to law by the increasing cultural diversity of our societies. Students will be encouraged to reflect on the implications of an anthropological understanding of law and the different legal traditions studied by anthropologists, and to attempt to apply these concepts in concrete situations, with a focus on gender relations.

Testi Adottati

June Starr, Jane F. Collier, 2018, History and Power in the Study of Law: New Directions in Legal Anthropology, Cornell University Press, (pdf in Jstor open access, selected articles)

Merry Engle S., 1992, Anthropology, Law, and Transnational Processes, Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 21 (1992), pp. 357-379 (pdf in Jstor)

Unni Wikan, 2008, Delitti d’onore. La storia di Fadime, Antropologia (http://www.ledijournals.com/ojs/index.php/antropologia/article/view/162)

Fusaschi M. 2014, “Luoghi della migrazione e corpi della tradizione. Aggravanti e attenuanti culturali in materia di modificazioni dei genitali femminili”, in Studi emigrazione/Migration Studies, (in pdf)

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Abu-Lughod L., 2013 Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Brunelli G., 2007 « Prevenzione e divieto delle mutilazioni genitali femminili: genealogia (e limiti) di una legge », in Quaderni costituzionali, XXVII (3): 567-588. Coene G., Longman C. (sous la direction de), 2005 Féminisme et multiculturalisme. Les paradoxes du débat, Peter Lang, Bern. Delage P., Lieber M. et Chetcuti-Osorovitz N., 2019 «Lutter contre les violences de genre. Des mouvements féministes à leur institutionnalisation », in Cahiers du Genre, LXVI (1) : 5-16. DOI : 10.3917/cdge.066.0005 De Vido S., 2016 Donne, violenza e diritto internazionale. La Convenzione di Istanbul del Consiglio d’Europa del 2011, Mimesis, Milano. Fassin D., Lézé S. (sous la direction de), 2013 La question morale. Une anthologie critique, PUF, Paris. Fusaschi M., 2003 I segni sul corpo. Per un’antropologia delle modificazioni dei genitali femminili, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. Fusaschi M., 2007 «Verso un multiculturalismo all’italiana. Il dibattito sull’infibulazione in Italia», in F. Pompeo (sous la direction de), La società di tutti. Multiculturalismo e politiche dell’identità, Meltemi, Roma: 95-116. Fusaschi M., 2010 «Victimes à tout jamais : les enfants et les femmes d’Afrique. Humanitarisme spectacle et rhétoriques de la pitié », in Cahiers d’Études africaines, CC: 1033-1053. Fusaschi M., 2011 Quando il corpo è delle Altre. Retoriche della pietà e umanitarismo spettacolo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. Fusaschi M., 2014a « Modifications génitales féminines en Europe : raison humanitaire et universalismes ethnocentriques », in Synergies Italie, X: 95-107. Fusaschi M., 2014 b « Luoghi della migrazione e corpi della tradizione. Aggravanti e attenuanti culturali in materia di modificazioni dei genitali femminili » in Studi emigrazione, 193: 161-174. Fusaschi M., 2015 « Humanitarian Bodies. Gender and Genitals Modifications in Italian immigration policy », in Cahiers d’études africaines, LV [217] : 11-28. Fusaschi M., 2018a « L’etnografia attraversata dal genere: per uno sguardo storico e pratico- politico sulle soggettività », in Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, II: 388-340. Fusaschi M., 2018b Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo-logiche di genere nella globalizzazione, CISU, Roma. Fusaschi M., Cavatorta G. (eds), 2018 FMG/C From medicine to critical anthropology, Torino, Meti. Goodale M., Merry S. E. (eds), 2007 The Practice of Human Rights: Tracking Law Between the Global and the Local, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Gribaldo A., 2014 « The paradoxical victim: Intimate violence narratives on trial in Italy » in American ethnologist, XLI, (4,) pp. 743–756. DOI : 10.1111/amet.12109 Kraus C. et al., 2008 « Édito. Démédicaliser les corps, politiser les identités : convergence des luttes féministes et intersexes », in Nouvelles Questions féministes, XXVII (1) : 4-15. Krivenko E. Y., 2015 « Rethinking human rights and culture through female genital surgeries », in Human Rights Quarterly, XXXVII (1): 107–136. DOI : 10.1353/hrq.2015.0008 Mesnard P., 2002 La victime écran. La représentation humanitaire en question, Textuel, Paris. Merry S. E., 2003 « Human Right Law and the Demonization of culture », in PoLAR, XXVI (1): 55-76. Merry S. E., 2006 Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International Law into Local Justice, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Mestiri S., 2016 Décoloniser le féminisme : une approche transculturelle, Vrin, Paris. Mohanty C.T., 2013 « Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique », in Signs : Journal of Women in Culture and Society, XXXVIII (4): 967-991. Moore H., 1988 Feminist Anthropology, Polity press, Cambridge. Otto D., 2006 « Lost in translation: Re-scripting the sexed subjects of international human rights law », in International law and its others: 318–356. Palomera J., Vetta T., 2016 « Moral economy: Rethinking a radical concept », in Anthropological Theory, XVI (4): 1–21. DOI : 10.1177/1463499616678097 Peroni L., 2016 « Violence Against Migrant Women: The Istanbul Convention Through a Postcolonial Feminist Lens », in Feminist Legal Studies, XXIV:49–67. DOI : 10.1007/s10691-016-9316-x Tamale S., 2008 «The right to culture and the culture of rights: a critical perspective on women’s sexual rights», in Africa in Feminist Legal Studies, XVI (1): 47–69.

Modalità Erogazione

Seminar lectures are planned. The presence and active participation of students are essential

Modalità Frequenza

Attending is recommended but not mandatory

Modalità Valutazione

For attenders students, a paper to be discussed in class on a topic decided upon during the course. For non-attenders: an oral interview. It is also possible to submit a written paper, to be agreed with the lecturer, no later than the end of the course.