The course aims to provide knowledge relating to the main national and supranational legal systems at a global level, starting from the examination of the general principles of administrative law and the way in which these conform the organization and administrative activity. The different themes and institutes will be examined first with attention to the historical evolution data and subsequently with regard to both positive law and the most significant jurisprudential cases for the interpretation of the issues emerging in the application phase. Space will also be dedicated to the influence of European integration on administrative systems but also on the protection of fundamental rights. The aim is to offer a theoretical basis useful for understanding the most current issues of administrative law, with the aim of facilitating the development in students of an autonomous ability to analyze application problems arising from comparative administrative law.
The course adheres to the innovative teaching project "Studenti in rete", organized together with the teachers responsible for the teaching of Comparative Administrative Law at the universities of Florence, Udine and Turin. The project foresees that attending students actively participate in some common lessons and discuss a paper produced under the supervision of the referring teacher.