The course aims to teach the students conceptual and methodological tools to analyse the Welfare State in both legal and sociological perspectives.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The program includes the main labor law institutes whose objective is to facilitate entry into the world of work for those who have been expelled or have never been part of it, including income guarantee mechanisms

Testi Adottati

Notes from lessons

Modalità Erogazione

Lessons will be take place in classroom

Modalità Valutazione

Exams will be oral.Questions range from a minimum of two to a maximum of three . The student must show sufficient knowledge of the subject and be able to make connections between the different labour law's topics

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Part one (sociological part, 3cfu): The structures of inequalities in contemporary society - What is the welfare State? - Models of the welfare state and citizenship - Crisis and redefinition of the welfare state - Welfare State and labour market - Care works.

Testi Adottati

Attending Students:

Part One (Sociological Part):
- Ranci C., Pavolini E., Le politiche di welfare, il Mulino, Bologna, 2015 (Chapters: I, II, III e VI).
- Antonelli F., Montemarano E., Musolino S., Rossi E., Lungo cammino verso la dignità. Un'inchiesta sociale sulle lavoratrici e i lavoratori domestici in Italia, Vita&Pensiero, Milano, 2022.
- Selection Papers edits by the teacher

Not attending students:

Part One (Sociological Part):
- Piketty T., Il capitale nel XXI secolo, Bompiani, Milano, 2018.
- Ranci C., Pavolini E., Le politiche di welfare, il Mulino, Bologna, 2015 (Chapters: I, II, III e VI).
- Antonelli F., Montemarano E., Musolino S., Rossi E., Lungo cammino verso la dignità. Un'inchiesta sociale sulle lavoratrici e i lavoratori domestici in Italia, Vita&Pensiero, Milano, 2022.
- Selection Papers edits by the teacher

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

- ANDREA BRANDOLINI, CHIARA SARACENO, ANTONIO SCHIZZEROTTO (EDS.), Dimensioni della disuguaglianza in Italia: povertà, salute, abitazione, Bologna, il Mulino. - CHIARA SARACENO, ENRICA MORLICCHIO, DAVID BENASSI, La povertà in Italia. Soggetti, meccanismi, politiche, il Mulino. - Thomas Humphrey Marshall, Cittadinanza e classe sociale, Laterza. - COSTANZO RANCI, EMMANUELE PAVOLINI, Le politiche di welfare, il Mulino.

Modalità Erogazione

Sociological parts: Educational activities: lessons; workshops and classworks; lectures; homework. Lessons particularly aims to teach an appropiate methodological-based capability to analyse the welfare state with a focus on the Italian case.

Modalità Frequenza

To attend lessons is optional. Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended to fully achieve all educational goals.

Modalità Valutazione

- Sociological part: During the course and in the final test, Students will be evalutated with written papers, public presentations and group works. Such tests aim to assess theoretical, conceptual, methodological and critical faculties to analyse radicalisation and terrorism.