The aim of the course is to provide a general framework of information concerning the contents, objectives and instrument of the profession of designer and project manager on European funds. The course will be organized into sections: a presentation of the funds and their main objectives; the main characteristics for the building of a project proposal and management; the aspects and skills connected to the profession.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


European planning and Funds in theory and History
Pririties and structure of the MFF
Project Life Cycle Management, and designing complex actions and work packages
New Jean Monnet actions and projects
Experiencing project designing

Testi Adottati

Ad-hoc text will be provided on a daily basis

Modalità Erogazione

Frontal lecturews and case-studies

Modalità Frequenza

Compoulsory in presence

Modalità Valutazione

Multiple-choice text will follow