20410485 - Plant biology of cultural heritage

The course will provide the necessary knowledge, methodologies, and instruments:
a) for the analysis of problems regarding the biodeterioration of artworks (of bacterial, fungal, algal, lichen and plant origin), and on their phenomenology;
b) for techniques for the prevention and control of biological damage in the museum environment as well as at heritage and archaeological sites; for the recognition of the intangible heritage patrimony connected to the natural environment;
c) for the analysis of biological material in a heritage context to carry out investigative sampling and environment reconstruction;
It will also give some remarks on conservation issues and the enhancement of historical gardens and parks, monuments, and archaeological sites.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20410485 Biologia vegetale dei beni culturali in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BARTOLI Flavia, CANEVA GIULIA

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20410485 Biologia vegetale dei beni culturali in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BARTOLI Flavia, CANEVA GIULIA


Knowledge, methodologies, and instruments:
 for the analysis of problems regarding the biodeterioration of artworks (of bacterial, fungal, algal, lichen and plant origin), and on their phenomenology;
 for techniques for the prevention and control of biological damage in the museum environment as well as at heritage and archaeological sites;
 for the recognition of the intangible heritage patrimony connected to the natural environment
 for the analysis of biological material in a heritage context to carry out investigative sampling and environment reconstruction;
It will also give some remarks on conservation issues and the enhancement of historical gardens and parks, monuments, and archaeological sites.

Testi Adottati

La Biologia vegetale per i beni culturali (vol.I e II), 2005 G. Caneva (a cura). Ed. Nardini, Firenze
and references on case-studies

Modalità Erogazione

The course will take place with classroom lectures on the main topics of the course. The course also includes laboratory exercises on the main topics of the course.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation will be based on an original elaboration and an oral test.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20410485 Biologia vegetale dei beni culturali in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BARTOLI Flavia, CANEVA GIULIA

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 20410485 Biologia vegetale dei beni culturali in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 BARTOLI Flavia, CANEVA GIULIA


Knowledge, methodologies, and instruments:
 for the analysis of problems regarding the biodeterioration of artworks (of bacterial, fungal, algal, lichen and plant origin), and on their phenomenology;
 for techniques for the prevention and control of biological damage in the museum environment as well as at heritage and archaeological sites;
 for the recognition of the intangible heritage patrimony connected to the natural environment
 for the analysis of biological material in a heritage context to carry out investigative sampling and environment reconstruction;
It will also give some remarks on conservation issues and the enhancement of historical gardens and parks, monuments, and archaeological sites.

Testi Adottati

La Biologia vegetale per i beni culturali (vol.I e II), 2005 G. Caneva (a cura). Ed. Nardini, Firenze
and references on case-studies

Modalità Erogazione

The course will take place with classroom lectures on the main topics of the course. The course also includes laboratory exercises on the main topics of the course.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation will be based on an original elaboration and an oral test.