The course aims at providing a basic understanding of the history of the contemporary world, of the main processes of cultural, economic, institutional, political and social transformation and their essential turning points.
Adopting an historical perspective, the course will provide a critical understanding of the long-term roots of today's world, in order to allow students to deal with the complexity of our time.



scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 21810662 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 A - L CECI GIOVANNI MARIO


The course aims at providing a basic understanding of the crucial turning points and most relevant processes of cultural, economic, institutional, political and social transformation of contemporary history. A section of the course will be devoted to the history of Postwar Italy since the end of Second World War to the present day.

Main contents: The First World War and its consequences; The Age of Totalitarianism; The Second World War; The Holocaust; The Cold War: main phases; The process of decolonization; The economic boom and the affluent society; Postwar Italy: centrismo, Center-Left, national solidarity and pentapartito; Terrorism in Italy: essential features, main phases, American analyses and reactions; The “Shock of the Global” and its effects on the political, economic, institutional, cultural and social sphere; The digital revolution; The collapse of Communism and the new international order after the Cold War; The evolution of the political system in Italy after the collapse of the “Republic of the parties”; Politics in the XX century and its evolution. The State, the parties and the Welfare State: apogee and crisis; New scenarios and challenges in the XXI century.

Testi Adottati

- Giovanni Sabbatucci, Vittorio Vidotto, Storia contemporanea. Dalla Grande Guerra a oggi, Laterza, nuova edizione del 2019
- Tommaso Detti, Giovanni Gozzini, L’età del disordine. Storia del mondo attuale 1968-2017, Laterza, 2018
- Guido Formigoni, Storia essenziale dell'Italia repubblicana, Il Mulino, 2021
- Giovanni Mario Ceci, La CIA e il terrorismo italiano. Dalla strage di piazza Fontana agli anni Ottanta (1969-1986), Carocci, 2019

Modalità Erogazione

The course will consist of lectures; photographs and footage will also be employed.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is strongly recommended but it is not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment takes the form of an oral exam. The exam consists of several questions aimed at verifying the student's level of knowledge. The evaluation is based on the following criteria: knowledge of the main contents of the program; clarity, efficacy and accuracy of the vocabulary used by the student; the ability to show a critical approach.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 21810662 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 M - Z BASCIANI ALBERTO


Main contents: The unification of Italy and the Europe of the Great Powers; the industrial revolution and the social question. the apogee of European power and the world; World War I and its consequences; totalitarianisms: Fascism, Bolshevism and Nazism; World War II; the Shoah, the bipolar world and the Cold War; decolonisation; the new republican Italy and its contradictions; USA and USSR; the gradual emergence of new protagonists: China, India; Africa and Latin America; the digital revolution; the collapse of communism and the new international order; post-communist societies; the European Union: construction and challenges; the new scenarios between the 20th and 21st centuries.

Testi Adottati

1) L. Caracciolo-A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea, Le Monnier Università, Milano 2017; Marco Bresciani - Fulvio Conti (a cura di), L'età contemporanea. Prospettive di storia europea e globale, Roma, Carocci, 2023; Mark Mazower, Le ombre dell'Europa. Democrazie e totalitarismi nel XX secolo, Milano, Garzanti, 2019.

Modalità Frequenza

not mandatory but strongly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Discussion with the teacher on some of the main issues touched upon during the course and addressed by the textbooks.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 21810662 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 A - L CECI GIOVANNI MARIO


The course aims at providing a basic understanding of the crucial turning points and most relevant processes of cultural, economic, institutional, political and social transformation of contemporary history. A section of the course will be devoted to the history of Postwar Italy since the end of Second World War to the present day.

Main contents: The First World War and its consequences; The Age of Totalitarianism; The Second World War; The Holocaust; The Cold War: main phases; The process of decolonization; The economic boom and the affluent society; Postwar Italy: centrismo, Center-Left, national solidarity and pentapartito; Terrorism in Italy: essential features, main phases, American analyses and reactions; The “Shock of the Global” and its effects on the political, economic, institutional, cultural and social sphere; The digital revolution; The collapse of Communism and the new international order after the Cold War; The evolution of the political system in Italy after the collapse of the “Republic of the parties”; Politics in the XX century and its evolution. The State, the parties and the Welfare State: apogee and crisis; New scenarios and challenges in the XXI century.

Testi Adottati

- Giovanni Sabbatucci, Vittorio Vidotto, Storia contemporanea. Dalla Grande Guerra a oggi, Laterza, nuova edizione del 2019
- Tommaso Detti, Giovanni Gozzini, L’età del disordine. Storia del mondo attuale 1968-2017, Laterza, 2018
- Guido Formigoni, Storia essenziale dell'Italia repubblicana, Il Mulino, 2021
- Giovanni Mario Ceci, La CIA e il terrorismo italiano. Dalla strage di piazza Fontana agli anni Ottanta (1969-1986), Carocci, 2019

Modalità Erogazione

The course will consist of lectures; photographs and footage will also be employed.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is strongly recommended but it is not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment takes the form of an oral exam. The exam consists of several questions aimed at verifying the student's level of knowledge. The evaluation is based on the following criteria: knowledge of the main contents of the program; clarity, efficacy and accuracy of the vocabulary used by the student; the ability to show a critical approach.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 21810662 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 M - Z BASCIANI ALBERTO


Main contents: The unification of Italy and the Europe of the Great Powers; the industrial revolution and the social question. the apogee of European power and the world; World War I and its consequences; totalitarianisms: Fascism, Bolshevism and Nazism; World War II; the Shoah, the bipolar world and the Cold War; decolonisation; the new republican Italy and its contradictions; USA and USSR; the gradual emergence of new protagonists: China, India; Africa and Latin America; the digital revolution; the collapse of communism and the new international order; post-communist societies; the European Union: construction and challenges; the new scenarios between the 20th and 21st centuries.

Testi Adottati

1) L. Caracciolo-A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea, Le Monnier Università, Milano 2017; Marco Bresciani - Fulvio Conti (a cura di), L'età contemporanea. Prospettive di storia europea e globale, Roma, Carocci, 2023; Mark Mazower, Le ombre dell'Europa. Democrazie e totalitarismi nel XX secolo, Milano, Garzanti, 2019.

Modalità Frequenza

not mandatory but strongly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Discussion with the teacher on some of the main issues touched upon during the course and addressed by the textbooks.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 21810662 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 A - L CECI GIOVANNI MARIO


The course aims at providing a basic understanding of the crucial turning points and most relevant processes of cultural, economic, institutional, political and social transformation of contemporary history. A section of the course will be devoted to the history of Postwar Italy since the end of Second World War to the present day.

Main contents: The First World War and its consequences; The Age of Totalitarianism; The Second World War; The Holocaust; The Cold War: main phases; The process of decolonization; The economic boom and the affluent society; Postwar Italy: centrismo, Center-Left, national solidarity and pentapartito; Terrorism in Italy: essential features, main phases, American analyses and reactions; The “Shock of the Global” and its effects on the political, economic, institutional, cultural and social sphere; The digital revolution; The collapse of Communism and the new international order after the Cold War; The evolution of the political system in Italy after the collapse of the “Republic of the parties”; Politics in the XX century and its evolution. The State, the parties and the Welfare State: apogee and crisis; New scenarios and challenges in the XXI century.

Testi Adottati

- Giovanni Sabbatucci, Vittorio Vidotto, Storia contemporanea. Dalla Grande Guerra a oggi, Laterza, nuova edizione del 2019
- Tommaso Detti, Giovanni Gozzini, L’età del disordine. Storia del mondo attuale 1968-2017, Laterza, 2018
- Guido Formigoni, Storia essenziale dell'Italia repubblicana, Il Mulino, 2021
- Giovanni Mario Ceci, La CIA e il terrorismo italiano. Dalla strage di piazza Fontana agli anni Ottanta (1969-1986), Carocci, 2019

Modalità Erogazione

The course will consist of lectures; photographs and footage will also be employed.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is strongly recommended but it is not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment takes the form of an oral exam. The exam consists of several questions aimed at verifying the student's level of knowledge. The evaluation is based on the following criteria: knowledge of the main contents of the program; clarity, efficacy and accuracy of the vocabulary used by the student; the ability to show a critical approach.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 21810662 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 M - Z BASCIANI ALBERTO


Main contents: The unification of Italy and the Europe of the Great Powers; the industrial revolution and the social question. the apogee of European power and the world; World War I and its consequences; totalitarianisms: Fascism, Bolshevism and Nazism; World War II; the Shoah, the bipolar world and the Cold War; decolonisation; the new republican Italy and its contradictions; USA and USSR; the gradual emergence of new protagonists: China, India; Africa and Latin America; the digital revolution; the collapse of communism and the new international order; post-communist societies; the European Union: construction and challenges; the new scenarios between the 20th and 21st centuries.

Testi Adottati

1) L. Caracciolo-A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea, Le Monnier Università, Milano 2017; Marco Bresciani - Fulvio Conti (a cura di), L'età contemporanea. Prospettive di storia europea e globale, Roma, Carocci, 2023; Mark Mazower, Le ombre dell'Europa. Democrazie e totalitarismi nel XX secolo, Milano, Garzanti, 2019.

Modalità Frequenza

not mandatory but strongly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Discussion with the teacher on some of the main issues touched upon during the course and addressed by the textbooks.