The main objective is that of training and introduction to the knowledge of the historical events of Italian colonial Africa. The course includes a first part dedicated to colonization in the liberal age, its international contextualization, the colonial impact. A second part relating to colonization in the Fascist era with particular attention to forms of repression, judicial and educational policies, racism and demographic colonization. Emphasis will be placed on the use of documentary sources for oral history and, more generally, on the research methodology. The course aims to give a general knowledge of the history of the two areas taken into consideration, of its problems today, in a perspective of historical understanding of different cultures.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The colonization of Eritrea
The first war in Africa
The conquest of Libya
The Italian colonies during the First World War
The "pacification" of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica
The Italo-Ethiopian war
Racism in the colony
"Madamato" and "meticciato"

Testi Adottati

A. Volterra, Sudditi coloniali. Ascari eritrei 1935-1941, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2005

A.Volterra, M.Zinni, Il leone, il giudice e il capestro, Donzelli, Roma, 2021

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

There is no specific book list

Modalità Erogazione

Head on lessons aimed at acquiring fundametal background knowledge prior to the approaching the course. Participation is volontary.

Modalità Frequenza

Participation is volontary, but it is advisable to attend as many of the subjects refer to the main history course.

Modalità Valutazione

There will be an oral examination on the subject of the chosen texts. The level of a student's knowledge will be assessed during an oral examination aimed at establishing the actual comprehension of the concepts and ability of the student to place them within both a local and global context.