The course will examine the evolution of local authorities legal order (municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities), as well as brief notes on the overall decentralized structure of the Italian state, which also includes the regions. The form of government of these bodies and the functions assigned to them will be analyzed, with particular reference to the public services provided by them and the concrete legal forms followed for this purpose (direct management, in-house assignment, assignment through public procedures)
scheda docente | materiale didattico


- Origin and historical development of local autonomies in Italy
- Statutory autonomy
- Legislative autonomy (regional)
- Regulatory autonomy
- Administrative autonomy
- The Regions: bodies and functions
- Metropolitan cities and provinces: bodies and functions
- The Municipalities: bodies and functions
- Cooperation and aggregation tools between local authorities
- Local public services

Testi Adottati

- F. Staderini, P. Caretti, P. Milazzo, Diritto degli Enti Locali, Cedam 2022 (o eventuale edizione più aggiornata), limitatamente a capitoli I-X per gli studenti frequentanti (pp. 1-330);
- A. D'Atena, Diritto regionale, Giappichelli 2022 (qui il link: https://www.giappichelli.it/diritto-regionale-9788892122918), limitatamente ai capitoli II, III e IV (pp. 59-206);
- A. Moliterni, Le nuove regione dei servizi pubblici locali, in Giornale di Diritto amministrativo, 4/2023, pp. 478-498.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral exam based on an interview with the student to verify the level of knowledge learned and the ability to orient oneself in the specific legal sector of reference. When evaluating the exam, the determination of the final mark will take into account some elements, such as: level and quality of knowledge of the topics; the ability to analyze a topic critically; the logic of the arguments supporting a thesis; the ability to apply theories and concepts to contexts; the use of vocabulary appropriate to the discipline being studied.