At the end of the course students will have acquired basic knowledge and critical capacity in the field of administrative law, with special regard to administrative organization and administrative activity.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


1. Historical development of Italian administrative system (seminar)
2. Sources of law
3. Principles
4. Administrative organization
5. Civil service
6. Public property
7. Public functions and public services
8. Subjective legal situations
9. Administrative discretionary power
10. Administrative procedures
11. Administrative measures
12. Administrative contracts and agreements
13. Administrative controls
14. Responsibility of public administration
15. Administrative dysfunctions

Testi Adottati

Attending students: M. D’Alberti, Lezioni di diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, 2021) plus materials and documents analysed during the course plus M. de Benedetto, voce Controlli [dir. amm.], in Treccani, Diritto on line, 2017 .

Non attending students: M. Clarich, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Il Mulino, 2019 (excluding the chapters on finanza and giustizia) OR G. Corso, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, 2020 (excluding the third part on giustizia amministrativa).

In any case, legge n. 241/1990, last update (available on Normattiva, https://www.normattiva.it).

Modalità Frequenza

in presence

Modalità Valutazione

oral exam which consists in some questions about all issues in the program, in order to test knowledge and expression. full program and l. 241/1990 for non attending students