Di seguito le info sui due eventi e in allegato la locandina della sessione informativa dedicata agli studenti di IS interessati
- 3.00-4.00 p.m. (9.00-10.00 ET) International Seminar on "International Perspectives on the 2024 US Elections: the view from Europe" (Link identifier #identifier__114073-1https://www.eventbrite.com/e/international-perspectives-on-the-2024-us-elections-the-view-from-europe-tickets-845209593647?aff=oddtdtcreator), (il link alla riunione lo trova all'interno del flyer digitale)
- 4.15-5.00 (10.15-11.00 ET) "Orientation webinar: career shortening opportunities at American University and Roma Tre" (Join Zoom Meeting Link identifier #identifier__172495-2https://american.zoom.us/j/95070132667?pwd=QWZtWE9JcXY3dU0vbDlFZFpwd1VnZz09)
Link identifier #identifier__110103-3Locandina